Sunday, my friend John Bradshaw wrote the following blog;
Click HERE.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Apostasy vs. Arrogance - 2 Peter 2
If they have escaped the corruption of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and are again entangled in it and overcome, they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning. 2 Peter 2:20
A state of apostasy (turning away) is worse than a state of ignorance?
I heard this..and I thought no….they are both equally bad. But that is if you look at it from the perspective of dying and facing judgement. Then, yes….both are equally as bad. Standing in front of the judge without the blood of Jesus to cover and pardon your sins.
But then I got these verses in reference.
If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left Hebrews 10:26
How much more severely do you think a man deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God under foot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? Hebrews 10:29
Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved. Acts 4:12
The one who has rejected Christ and his salvation, who has turned his back on the Grace of Jesus….has no other name, no other way of salvation. The one in ignorance….at least until death….has Jesus.
A state of apostasy (turning away) is worse than a state of ignorance?
I heard this..and I thought no….they are both equally bad. But that is if you look at it from the perspective of dying and facing judgement. Then, yes….both are equally as bad. Standing in front of the judge without the blood of Jesus to cover and pardon your sins.
But then I got these verses in reference.
If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left Hebrews 10:26
How much more severely do you think a man deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God under foot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? Hebrews 10:29
Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved. Acts 4:12
The one who has rejected Christ and his salvation, who has turned his back on the Grace of Jesus….has no other name, no other way of salvation. The one in ignorance….at least until death….has Jesus.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
That Movement - 2 Peter 1
We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. 2 Peter 1:16
When I look for reasons to TRUST the Gospel….when I skeptical of any of it….I always turn to those who were eyewitnesses. I trust how they responded with their lives.
A man could have lied about Jesus….to make this whole story of the Gospel and Christianity up…..but would he really be willing to be give up his own family, his job, his security, even his life…. to follow a ruse.
And if that weren’t enough…..Jesus death and burial scared the disciples for 3 days. But on that third day, after Jesus showed himself to them….the disciples solidified a movement. I trust that movement.
When I look for reasons to TRUST the Gospel….when I skeptical of any of it….I always turn to those who were eyewitnesses. I trust how they responded with their lives.
A man could have lied about Jesus….to make this whole story of the Gospel and Christianity up…..but would he really be willing to be give up his own family, his job, his security, even his life…. to follow a ruse.
And if that weren’t enough…..Jesus death and burial scared the disciples for 3 days. But on that third day, after Jesus showed himself to them….the disciples solidified a movement. I trust that movement.
Thursday, August 05, 2010
Minister to Sinners - James 5
My brothers, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring him back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins. James 5:19-20
Great word this morning, very challenging, but so hard to do.
Here is the deal…this isn’t talking about a believer losing salvation, this is merely talking about a believer caught in sin. (Someone who turns to sin as oppose to righteousness) The difficult part of it is, if you have the influence and the platform to speak truth to a fellow believer, you run the risk of turning them away and/or straining relations.
But the reality for us today is that death is out there….it is be avoided, Truth to be followed and a ministry to each other. We are to be serving both God and sinners.
Great word this morning, very challenging, but so hard to do.
Here is the deal…this isn’t talking about a believer losing salvation, this is merely talking about a believer caught in sin. (Someone who turns to sin as oppose to righteousness) The difficult part of it is, if you have the influence and the platform to speak truth to a fellow believer, you run the risk of turning them away and/or straining relations.
But the reality for us today is that death is out there….it is be avoided, Truth to be followed and a ministry to each other. We are to be serving both God and sinners.
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Mist - James 4
What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. James 4:14
I took a class called Yokefellows when I started re-attending church about 15 years ago. This class was basically an evangelism class…how to share your faith. This was one of the first verses we learned. We would use it to ‘prove’ how short life is, when compared to eternity. It was for believers to share with non-believers to get them to THINK about their own mortality…and facing eternity without Christ.
Today I have a new perspective. This verse is for me….a believer, a follower of Christ. To get me to think.
I have this very short time on earth….why do I continue to strive for the ‘stuff’ of the world? What am I working for?
I would love to have focus. Laser beam focus. But we all get distracted. I believe Satan uses things….most not even bad things, to distract us.
Take for instance one of my passions… football. This in and of itself not a bad thing…..but I am so passionate about college football, I honestly have to admit, it has stolen my affections from Jesus. About this time of year, I start to really get excited. I start the countdown to kickoff….start the smack talk, I buy magazines and watch countless hours of any coverage online or tv I can find. For what?
A very large portion of my mist.
Satan uses work, hobbies, busyness, even family to get our focus away from Jesus. None of these things are bad….we just need to continue to create margin to serve and be used by God.
I took a class called Yokefellows when I started re-attending church about 15 years ago. This class was basically an evangelism class…how to share your faith. This was one of the first verses we learned. We would use it to ‘prove’ how short life is, when compared to eternity. It was for believers to share with non-believers to get them to THINK about their own mortality…and facing eternity without Christ.
Today I have a new perspective. This verse is for me….a believer, a follower of Christ. To get me to think.
I have this very short time on earth….why do I continue to strive for the ‘stuff’ of the world? What am I working for?
I would love to have focus. Laser beam focus. But we all get distracted. I believe Satan uses things….most not even bad things, to distract us.
Take for instance one of my passions… football. This in and of itself not a bad thing…..but I am so passionate about college football, I honestly have to admit, it has stolen my affections from Jesus. About this time of year, I start to really get excited. I start the countdown to kickoff….start the smack talk, I buy magazines and watch countless hours of any coverage online or tv I can find. For what?
A very large portion of my mist.
Satan uses work, hobbies, busyness, even family to get our focus away from Jesus. None of these things are bad….we just need to continue to create margin to serve and be used by God.
Monday, August 02, 2010
Purity>Peace>Righteousness - James 3
Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness. James 3:18
After reading the first 3 chapter of James, it has become pretty clear to me that James is passionate about righteousness. And the way I understand James is that peace follows purity, actually depends on it…and James wants peace for the church because peace is the context in which righteousness can flourish.
In my own life this has been the case as well. When my thought life goes south, or my actions or motives are less than pure…..any attempts at righteousness are contrived and put on. I’ve been faking it!
As you guys know, I taught on Worthless Religion a couple of weeks ago….and one of the saddest things is seeing a mom or dad, reaping the harvest in their kids….of a Worthless Religion.
I think most of our kids are still pretty young….but they are watching and they are smart. They know if your deed matches your creed….or if you are merely going through the motions.
This plays our in tons of ways…and what I am seeing now is that kids don’t want to come to church, kids don’t respect their parents or any adult figure. They are looking to fill the place in them that God is suppose to occupy with drugs, sex, porn, materialism, status.
I was talking last night with our Student Minister, Brandon Gregory….and as parents, we have such a great influence over our kids before high school…and if we’ve done a good job….we keep that influence. One the other side of the coin is those kids who begin to count down the day til their 18th birthday to give you the finger and get out of the house.
The wicked earns deceptive wages, But he who sows righteousness gets a true reward. Proverbs 11:18
And the work of righteousness will be peace, And the service of righteousness, quietness and confidence forever. Isaiah 32:17
My prayer is that all of us have homes where purity is taught, practiced and encouraged…so that we have peaceful homes where righteousness is the norm.
After reading the first 3 chapter of James, it has become pretty clear to me that James is passionate about righteousness. And the way I understand James is that peace follows purity, actually depends on it…and James wants peace for the church because peace is the context in which righteousness can flourish.
In my own life this has been the case as well. When my thought life goes south, or my actions or motives are less than pure…..any attempts at righteousness are contrived and put on. I’ve been faking it!
As you guys know, I taught on Worthless Religion a couple of weeks ago….and one of the saddest things is seeing a mom or dad, reaping the harvest in their kids….of a Worthless Religion.
I think most of our kids are still pretty young….but they are watching and they are smart. They know if your deed matches your creed….or if you are merely going through the motions.
This plays our in tons of ways…and what I am seeing now is that kids don’t want to come to church, kids don’t respect their parents or any adult figure. They are looking to fill the place in them that God is suppose to occupy with drugs, sex, porn, materialism, status.
I was talking last night with our Student Minister, Brandon Gregory….and as parents, we have such a great influence over our kids before high school…and if we’ve done a good job….we keep that influence. One the other side of the coin is those kids who begin to count down the day til their 18th birthday to give you the finger and get out of the house.
The wicked earns deceptive wages, But he who sows righteousness gets a true reward. Proverbs 11:18
And the work of righteousness will be peace, And the service of righteousness, quietness and confidence forever. Isaiah 32:17
My prayer is that all of us have homes where purity is taught, practiced and encouraged…so that we have peaceful homes where righteousness is the norm.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Demonstration of Faith - James 2
You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder. James 2:19
At one point or another, we have run into someone that says….”yeah, I’m a Christian…I believe in God!” and for most….that is where it ends. I have so much pity for people like this because there is so much more! If pressed….a lot of them will also say…”yes, I even believe in Jesus”….Great! But to historically believe that a man named Jesus walked the earth, was a Jewish carpenter’s son, and did some miracles and died on a cross…still doesn’t constitute salvation, or being a Christ Follower.
“Oh, but I have been baptized” Awesome!
I just want to say…..But you don’t love people, you don’t hurt at injustice, you aren’t moved at the things that hurt God. You flirt with women, you cuss like a sailor, you slander, steal from your work, you don’t care for your family and you drink way to much.
As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead. James 2:26
But we also know that;
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9
Absolutely…..not by works (or deeds) are we saved….but works and deeds ARE a demonstration of the faith that saves us.
Guys…this is a tricky verse…because I don’t believe that we are here to challenge and condemn every person who believes they are saved but are not, some maybe. But we can’t be throwing this verse around at them unless you have a platform and the tact to do it. While sharing truth, it is to be done in love….and not condemnation. We may feel the pressure to convert….or to “save” one of our friends, but only God can do that….he may choose to use us, so be ready.
I believe we are to love, instruct, pray for and show true faith, including works.
At one point or another, we have run into someone that says….”yeah, I’m a Christian…I believe in God!” and for most….that is where it ends. I have so much pity for people like this because there is so much more! If pressed….a lot of them will also say…”yes, I even believe in Jesus”….Great! But to historically believe that a man named Jesus walked the earth, was a Jewish carpenter’s son, and did some miracles and died on a cross…still doesn’t constitute salvation, or being a Christ Follower.
“Oh, but I have been baptized” Awesome!
I just want to say…..But you don’t love people, you don’t hurt at injustice, you aren’t moved at the things that hurt God. You flirt with women, you cuss like a sailor, you slander, steal from your work, you don’t care for your family and you drink way to much.
As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead. James 2:26
But we also know that;
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9
Absolutely…..not by works (or deeds) are we saved….but works and deeds ARE a demonstration of the faith that saves us.
Guys…this is a tricky verse…because I don’t believe that we are here to challenge and condemn every person who believes they are saved but are not, some maybe. But we can’t be throwing this verse around at them unless you have a platform and the tact to do it. While sharing truth, it is to be done in love….and not condemnation. We may feel the pressure to convert….or to “save” one of our friends, but only God can do that….he may choose to use us, so be ready.
I believe we are to love, instruct, pray for and show true faith, including works.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Joy - James 1
James 1:2-4 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
Wow….this is a tough one. Pure Joy?
When the big trials in life come (and they will), this is when God has an opportunity to see your faith in action. Here is when true believers get to ‘fish or cut bait’. I have handled this both ways…..correctly and incorrectly, and when you have faith, there is joy once through the trial. The joy comes from knowing that you are developing perseverance. Be joyful knowing there is an opportunity to prove God faithful.
Some of us are in the middle of HUGE trials right now. How are you doing? Are you praying, reading God’s word, possibly fasting….seeking God….trusting God?
I asked a friend last night, who is in the middle of a trial…..”are you more close to God now than ever?” and he is…..because he is trusting God, relying on him to sustain him, seeking him, allowing God to work, praying to Him, listening for Him….like never before. And part of the joy is that we get to walk closer to The Eternal King, than we ever have.
Guys….keep an eternal perspective and your thoughts will change. Think of the eternal over the temporal. Think of your relationship with God first….and let everything else fall into place.
I am praying for you guys, your families, your work, your thought life, and your witness. I pray that you are taking your “religion” seriously….and drawing close to God. I pray as men, we are leading our homes, praying with our wives, praying with our kids and leading by example. I pray we take every word captive, love our wives like Christ loved his church….willing to lay his life down for her.
It is a war gentlemen….and Satan is looking to steal, kill and destroy all of us.
Wow….this is a tough one. Pure Joy?
When the big trials in life come (and they will), this is when God has an opportunity to see your faith in action. Here is when true believers get to ‘fish or cut bait’. I have handled this both ways…..correctly and incorrectly, and when you have faith, there is joy once through the trial. The joy comes from knowing that you are developing perseverance. Be joyful knowing there is an opportunity to prove God faithful.
Some of us are in the middle of HUGE trials right now. How are you doing? Are you praying, reading God’s word, possibly fasting….seeking God….trusting God?
I asked a friend last night, who is in the middle of a trial…..”are you more close to God now than ever?” and he is…..because he is trusting God, relying on him to sustain him, seeking him, allowing God to work, praying to Him, listening for Him….like never before. And part of the joy is that we get to walk closer to The Eternal King, than we ever have.
Guys….keep an eternal perspective and your thoughts will change. Think of the eternal over the temporal. Think of your relationship with God first….and let everything else fall into place.
I am praying for you guys, your families, your work, your thought life, and your witness. I pray that you are taking your “religion” seriously….and drawing close to God. I pray as men, we are leading our homes, praying with our wives, praying with our kids and leading by example. I pray we take every word captive, love our wives like Christ loved his church….willing to lay his life down for her.
It is a war gentlemen….and Satan is looking to steal, kill and destroy all of us.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Honor Marriage - Hebrews 13
Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. Hebrews 13:4
There is so much that this verse encompasses for us men to consider. I bring it up, because I see this recurring theme throughout the bible about sexually immoral and/or adulterer and it’s easy to write off as “someone elses issue”.
Let’s be clear……sexually immoral includes things like;
Strip Clubs
“Happy Ending” massages
Eyeing women who aren’t your wife
Making friends look at girls
Coarse sexual joking
Sexual Innuendo
Inappropriate touching
Inappropriate discussions with women
Intimate discussions with women (possibly about her marriage, sex, or feelings)
Phone sex (other than your wife HA!)
900 numbers
Internet Relationships
Emotional affairs
Guys…I’m sure there are tons of others….but I say all this to say, don’t think that because it’s not listed in the bible….it falls into some gray area.
We are to remain true to our wives. Emotional cheating is still cheating and just as painful as the real thing.
Matthew talked about yesterday….that the divorce rate inside the church is the same as it is outside. We are to remain faithful, attentive to our wives, love her as Christ loved the church, make her feel loved, come home in the evenings, be nice (not a douche), buy her stuff, talk with her….really talk with her, plan a getaway, date your wife, pursue her….and ALL your wildest dreams will come true.
Jenny and I have recently gone through a tough period where she made me aware that I had quit doing those things that she loved….and made her feel special. I was so loving my ministry, my job, and my friends….that we had settled for occasional to rare meaningful conversations and “quickies”.
Me becoming aware of this…and not being defensive …has led to us really becoming closer, enjoying each others company more, loving to talk more, increased passion in our marriage and a rejuvenation of a stale sexual life.
I write all this because I honor and value marriage and I have seen too many marriages fail….in and out of church. So men, be on guard…self-controled and alert. Your enemy Satan, prowls around looking for someone (or a marriage) to devour. (somewhere in Peter)
Friday, July 16, 2010
Discipline - Hebrews 12
Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? If you are not disciplined (and everyone undergoes discipline), then you are illegitimate children and not true sons. Hebrews 12:7-8
Being disciplined is never fun. I remember as a child….after being disciplined, laying in my room afterward ‘hating’ my mom and dad. It wasn’t that I hated them….it was that I hated the necessary process of receiving discipline. I guess part of me still does.
Here, the writer of Hebrews reminds us that feeling we had as children….and to endure it….because it is good to receive discipline. It is a sign of love.
You have to question a parent that NEVER disciplines their child…..allowing them to wreak havoc in their own lives and run wild.
God, thanks for disciplining me….loving me and treating me as a son.....even tho it sucks.
Being disciplined is never fun. I remember as a child….after being disciplined, laying in my room afterward ‘hating’ my mom and dad. It wasn’t that I hated them….it was that I hated the necessary process of receiving discipline. I guess part of me still does.
Here, the writer of Hebrews reminds us that feeling we had as children….and to endure it….because it is good to receive discipline. It is a sign of love.
You have to question a parent that NEVER disciplines their child…..allowing them to wreak havoc in their own lives and run wild.
God, thanks for disciplining me….loving me and treating me as a son.....even tho it sucks.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
by Faith - Hebrews 11
By faith _______________(your name) …….
And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. Hebrews 11:6
As our life stories are written will we be known as men of faith? Are we earnestly seeking Him? What is our faith worth? If you sensed God calling you somewhere….would you go? Are you willing to look foolish…..for your faith?
If your faith turned out for naught, would you have so much invested in it…that you would be pitied? Or have you withheld some dignity?
If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men. 1 Corinthians 15:19
Noah…..built an ark because God told him there would be a flood. Did you know there had never been rain before Noah?
Abraham packed up the family and moved because God told him to…..but he never told him where until after he left.
Abraham had faith that God would bless him and his barren wife Sarah with a child even though they were past child baring years.
Abraham also took his only son Isaac up the mountain to sacrifice him as God had instructed him, knowing God had promised descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky.
And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. Hebrews 11:6
As our life stories are written will we be known as men of faith? Are we earnestly seeking Him? What is our faith worth? If you sensed God calling you somewhere….would you go? Are you willing to look foolish…..for your faith?
If your faith turned out for naught, would you have so much invested in it…that you would be pitied? Or have you withheld some dignity?
If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men. 1 Corinthians 15:19
Noah…..built an ark because God told him there would be a flood. Did you know there had never been rain before Noah?
Abraham packed up the family and moved because God told him to…..but he never told him where until after he left.
Abraham had faith that God would bless him and his barren wife Sarah with a child even though they were past child baring years.
Abraham also took his only son Isaac up the mountain to sacrifice him as God had instructed him, knowing God had promised descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Amazing Grace - Hebrews 10
Wow…okay guys this chapter (like the others) is PACKED, and so much of hitting me between the eyes this morning.
As followers of Christ….we must trust the words of Christ, follow the ways of Christ, love like Christ loved, aspire to walk rightly like He did….and repent when we don’t.
If we don’t, what good is our faith.
What is faith?
This means that although we live in a time when we don’t physically walk with Christ, we cant see him, his miracles, his example….we do have the bible and the testimonies of those who did. We trust the bible to true and the infallible word of God, written by men under the direction of the Holy Spirit…..and we trust that.
Hopefully, in my relationship with you guys you sense this with me. I want you love and do good deeds…but not only that. I want us to aspire to righteousness.
My dad used to quote a poem….and although this isn’t biblical….I share it with you as an example:
I believe as Christ followers, we have the Holy Spirit to guide us…and in turn when we look in the mirror….we should see Christ. Those times we don’t, we know. We know!
I have always said, you are only as accountable as you want to be….but I know me, my sins, my secrets, my faults….and so does God. You aren’t going to surprise him.
Like we have talked about in the previous chapters….Christ died once and for all. This grace wasn’t cheap, the Son of God had to die for us…and our deliberate ‘trampling’ of his grace is the worst.
I don’t think we will fully understand the mind or love of God short of heaven….but I think about it as my love for my children. I so want the best for them, I never want them to faulter, but I will always love, correct and forgive.
God, I am sorry for having trampled your Grace at times. I know I am forgiven, and that is no excuse. Please let me walk in your Amazing Grace.
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. Hebrews 5:23
As followers of Christ….we must trust the words of Christ, follow the ways of Christ, love like Christ loved, aspire to walk rightly like He did….and repent when we don’t.
If we don’t, what good is our faith.
What is faith?
Hebrews 11 tells us; Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
This means that although we live in a time when we don’t physically walk with Christ, we cant see him, his miracles, his example….we do have the bible and the testimonies of those who did. We trust the bible to true and the infallible word of God, written by men under the direction of the Holy Spirit…..and we trust that.
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Hebrews 10:24
Hopefully, in my relationship with you guys you sense this with me. I want you love and do good deeds…but not only that. I want us to aspire to righteousness.
My dad used to quote a poem….and although this isn’t biblical….I share it with you as an example:
The Man In The Glass
When you get what you want in your struggle for self
And the world makes you king for a day,
Just go to the mirror and look at yourself
And see what that man has to say.
For it isn’t your father or mother or wife
Whose judgment upon you must pass.
The fellow whose verdict counts most in you life
Is the one staring back from the glass.
You may be like Jack Horner and chisel a plum
And think you’re a wonderful guy.
But the man in the glass says you’re only a bum
If you can’t look him straight in the eye.
He’s the fellow to please-never mind all the rest,
For he’s with you clear to the end.
And you’ve passed your most dangerous, difficult test
If the man in the glass is your friend.
You may fool the whole world down the pathway of years
And get pats on the back as you pass.
But your final reward will be heartache and tears
If you’ve cheated the man in the glass.
I believe as Christ followers, we have the Holy Spirit to guide us…and in turn when we look in the mirror….we should see Christ. Those times we don’t, we know. We know!
I have always said, you are only as accountable as you want to be….but I know me, my sins, my secrets, my faults….and so does God. You aren’t going to surprise him.
If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left Hebrews 10:26
Like we have talked about in the previous chapters….Christ died once and for all. This grace wasn’t cheap, the Son of God had to die for us…and our deliberate ‘trampling’ of his grace is the worst.
I don’t think we will fully understand the mind or love of God short of heaven….but I think about it as my love for my children. I so want the best for them, I never want them to faulter, but I will always love, correct and forgive.
God, I am sorry for having trampled your Grace at times. I know I am forgiven, and that is no excuse. Please let me walk in your Amazing Grace.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Once and for all - Hebrews 9
But now he has appeared once for all at the end of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself. Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him. Hebrews 9:26-28
I think that this “once and for all” theme continues through the chapters of Hebrews. The all is in reference to sins from the foundation of the world forward to the cross…and any and all sin from the cross into eternity. The last verse even states that when Jesus comes back….his second coming will NOT be in reference to sin….that’s already been taken care of….but he will be coming in all his glory…..not in the body of a man. (Titus 2:13)
The beginning of this chapter talks about the tabernacle and the Holy and the Most Holy Place….the priests and the processes and the blood, atoning for the sins of the priest and any sin that his people had committed in ignorance.
The one thing that really stands out to me is that the priest….in no way could forgive his own sin. He couldn’t say enough hail marys, our fathers or do penance. As a matter of fact, the last thing the priest would do before heading into the Holy of Holies is tie a rope around his leg…..just in case he had any unconfessed sin. If he did….he would die…and the rope was to pull his dead body out of the Holiest Place.
Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sin. Jesus didn’t die to impart special favor to some, to dole out to others….he died to do away with sin, once and for all.
Monday, July 12, 2010
New Covenant - Hebrews 8
For if there had been nothing wrong with that first covenant, no place would have been sought for another. Hebrews 8:7
"The time is coming," declares the LORD, "when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. Jeremiah 31:31
As Jesus completed his last Passover meal with his disciples, he took the final cup and said, "This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is shed for you" Luke 22:10
I’ll throw this out there for you….there is a group called Millennialists…and they have this perspective that Jesus death WAS NOT the fulfillment of the NEW covenant that Jeremiah wrote about.
Read all you want to about Millennialism or
I believe this perspective to be both wrong and dangerous. Here is why, if Jesus was merely the Gospel of grace to the Gentiles…..and not the fulfillment of the Jeremiah prophecy….and without the shedding of blood there can be no forgiveness of sin…..who is gonna die for the Jews?
…..the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. Hebrews 9:22
I believe Jesus death burial and resurrection to be the fulfillment of God’s promise to Jeremiah, the Gospel of Grace and the only way and final means of living under a new covenant. I believe this not blindly, but because Jesus called his blood the “New Covenant” and he also said “ I am the way….no man comes to the Father but through me.”
This is good news.
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Intercessor - Hebrews 7
Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them. Hebrews 7:25
Jesus….greater than Moses, the prophets, and Melchizedek….saves completely, once and for all, because he intercedes for us.
I love that word intercede. Defined:
1. To plead on another's behalf.
2. To act as mediator in a dispute.
I think about when someone is read their Miranda rights when being arrested.
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights as they have been read to you?
I think about our appointed advocate in God’s system is Jesus…and he is always speaking on our behalf.
I think about the Judge (God) saying….”I find you guilty of sin….which is punishable by death.” And Jesus saying, “Your honor/dad, I’ve paid this debt.”
Let me also encourage someone today with this story I read this morning.
There was a church located somewhere in the south (I don’t recall) and it had been there for years. But recently a bar opened up the neighborhood and sent the very conservative church into a tailspin. With the congregation up in arms, the pastor called for a day of prayer.
He asked the congregation to pray that God would remove the bar from their neighborhood.
Well, a few weeks later, in a storm…lightening struck bar and it burned down. Within a few days, word spread of the prayer day and the bar owner (a non-Christian) found out that the church had prayed for God to somehow get rid of the bar, and he sued the church.
In court, before the judge, the bar owner stated that because of the prayers of the church, he lost his business and way of making living. When the judge asked the Pastor if the charges were true….he stated that yes they had prayed for God to get rid of the bar….but that no one really believed it would happen.
The judge sat back laughing to himself….then explained that he found it odd that a non-Christian bar owner believed in the power of prayer yet a congregation and its pastor did not.
Guys, let me encourage you guys to pray….and pray expectantly. Pray according to the will of God….and if you don’t really know what that is….keep reading his word and ask him to reveal that to you.
Jesus….greater than Moses, the prophets, and Melchizedek….saves completely, once and for all, because he intercedes for us.
I love that word intercede. Defined:
1. To plead on another's behalf.
2. To act as mediator in a dispute.
I think about when someone is read their Miranda rights when being arrested.
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights as they have been read to you?
I think about our appointed advocate in God’s system is Jesus…and he is always speaking on our behalf.
I think about the Judge (God) saying….”I find you guilty of sin….which is punishable by death.” And Jesus saying, “Your honor/dad, I’ve paid this debt.”
Let me also encourage someone today with this story I read this morning.
There was a church located somewhere in the south (I don’t recall) and it had been there for years. But recently a bar opened up the neighborhood and sent the very conservative church into a tailspin. With the congregation up in arms, the pastor called for a day of prayer.
He asked the congregation to pray that God would remove the bar from their neighborhood.
Well, a few weeks later, in a storm…lightening struck bar and it burned down. Within a few days, word spread of the prayer day and the bar owner (a non-Christian) found out that the church had prayed for God to somehow get rid of the bar, and he sued the church.
In court, before the judge, the bar owner stated that because of the prayers of the church, he lost his business and way of making living. When the judge asked the Pastor if the charges were true….he stated that yes they had prayed for God to get rid of the bar….but that no one really believed it would happen.
The judge sat back laughing to himself….then explained that he found it odd that a non-Christian bar owner believed in the power of prayer yet a congregation and its pastor did not.
Guys, let me encourage you guys to pray….and pray expectantly. Pray according to the will of God….and if you don’t really know what that is….keep reading his word and ask him to reveal that to you.
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
It is finished - Hebrews 6
Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death, and of faith in God, instruction about baptisms, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. And God permitting, we will do so.
It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age, if they fall away, to be brought back to repentance, because to their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace. Hebrews 6: 1-6
So Hebrew 6 has been one of those chapters that I have read countless times….trying to lay a finger on. I’ve had students and adults ask me….What does this mean? What if I fall away? What is this talking about……and having read this linearly again (meaning reading straight through as we are doing) I have a new idea on this. I am sure someone way wiser than me, has written a thesis on this, published books and articles….but I just feel that this is NOT a verse that is suppose to frighten us, or make us question our own faith as much as it is a reassurance.
I think the writer of Hebrews is specifically talking to Jews, cultural Jews maybe (those who are Jewish by birth....and not in the way they live) and we know Christians like this too….so this is a message for us as well. As we have seen in the previous chapters, he is reminding them (the Jews) of some no so great times in their forefathers past, times when they turned their back on God, only to be warned by a prophet or seen things that would make them turn back toward Him.
So here is my new take;
I think the writer of Hebrews is saying…..Jesus is it. Period.
Once you’ve decided to follow him, there is no turning back (apostasy) . There will be no greater signs, there will be no more prophets, God’s not going to send plagues, God isn’t going to part the seas, God isn’t going to reveal himself in a burning bush….ever again.
Jesus birth, life, death burial and resurrection is all you have. It is my perfect plan of redemption and once you’ve tasted that, you’ll never be subject to the law that binds you, you’ll have instant access to the “holy of holies” (like never before), Jesus is your new mediator, and you will be forever forgiven. You will not turn your back on me like you have done in the past, because once your tasted my goodness…’s not possible.
And even if you did……it’s not like Jesus is going to come back….live life and do this death again…..”It is finished”. Once and for all!
It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age, if they fall away, to be brought back to repentance, because to their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace. Hebrews 6: 1-6
So Hebrew 6 has been one of those chapters that I have read countless times….trying to lay a finger on. I’ve had students and adults ask me….What does this mean? What if I fall away? What is this talking about……and having read this linearly again (meaning reading straight through as we are doing) I have a new idea on this. I am sure someone way wiser than me, has written a thesis on this, published books and articles….but I just feel that this is NOT a verse that is suppose to frighten us, or make us question our own faith as much as it is a reassurance.
I think the writer of Hebrews is specifically talking to Jews, cultural Jews maybe (those who are Jewish by birth....and not in the way they live) and we know Christians like this too….so this is a message for us as well. As we have seen in the previous chapters, he is reminding them (the Jews) of some no so great times in their forefathers past, times when they turned their back on God, only to be warned by a prophet or seen things that would make them turn back toward Him.
So here is my new take;
I think the writer of Hebrews is saying…..Jesus is it. Period.
Once you’ve decided to follow him, there is no turning back (apostasy) . There will be no greater signs, there will be no more prophets, God’s not going to send plagues, God isn’t going to part the seas, God isn’t going to reveal himself in a burning bush….ever again.
Jesus birth, life, death burial and resurrection is all you have. It is my perfect plan of redemption and once you’ve tasted that, you’ll never be subject to the law that binds you, you’ll have instant access to the “holy of holies” (like never before), Jesus is your new mediator, and you will be forever forgiven. You will not turn your back on me like you have done in the past, because once your tasted my goodness…’s not possible.
And even if you did……it’s not like Jesus is going to come back….live life and do this death again…..”It is finished”. Once and for all!
Monday, July 05, 2010
Milk - Hebrews 5
In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God's word all over again. You need milk, not solid food! Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil. Hebrews 5:12-14
The writer of Hebrews is coming down pretty hard on those who this letter was directed. You know I make the mistake of always thinking that Jews (from the time of Moses to the earliest of Christians….to today even) were all “Orthodox” from the standpoint of practicing Jews. This is clearly NOT the case. But this and the following chapter, I feel, speak to those who have heard the Gospel, some have even accepted it as true or even claim the Truth…but it ends there.
At times I have felt like one who claimed the Truth….but never lived like it mattered to me. I claimed to know God but never took the steps to get to know his heart or care about the things he cares about. I had the narcissistic view (and this is taught) that even if Jesus had to die for only MY sins….he would have. My view of God, his love, his mercy and justice began and ended with me. How tragic to claim to the name of Christ and never open his word, to never love a neighbor, to never feed the hungry or care for the widow or orphan, and to never make disciples. We are called to ALL of these things as followers of Christ.
Let’s continue to encourage each other to draw closer to God in all we do. In the end, we are all only accountable as we want to be, and we are ultimately responsible for our own spiritual growth.
Friday, July 02, 2010
Sword - Hebrews 4
For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12
There has been discussion by theologians whether this verse speaks of the word of God being the bible…or Jesus. The Word of God Inspired or the Incarnate Word (The Word became flesh and dwelt among us). I think its pretty awesome the duplicity this verse could have….because just as Jesus reveals God…so the bible reveals Jesus.
I share that with you because I had never heard that. I have always believed that the word of God referenced in verse 12, speaks of God’s Inspired word. But as I develop this in my own mind….It’s really hard to separate the two.
Spurgeon in one of his sermons, sites Solomon who says concerning it, “When you go, it shall lead you. When you sleep, it shall keep you. And when you awake, it shall talk with you.”
Have you ever known what that means? Why, the Book has wrestled with me. The Book has smitten me. The Book has comforted me. The Book has smiled on me. The Book has frowned on me. The Book has clasped my hand. The Book has warmed my heart. The Book weeps with me and sings with me. It whispers to me and it preaches to me. It maps my way and holds up my goings. It was to me the Young Man’s Best Companion and it is still my Morning and Evening Chaplain. It is a living Book—all over alive—from its first chapter to its last word it is full of a strange, mystic vitality which makes it have pre-eminence over every other writing for every living child of God.
Think about a double edged sword…..It has no dull side, nothing that is less likely to cut, it is ALL EDGE. There is not a verse or word in the bible that is less likely to penetrate your heart than the very essence of the Gospel message.
George Whitefield, the great 18th-century evangelist, was hounded by a group of detractors who called themselves the “Hell-fire Club.” They derided his work and mocked him. On one occasion one of them, a man named Thorpe, was mimicking Whitefield to his cronies, delivering his sermon with brilliant accuracy, perfectly imitating his tone and facial expressions, when he himself was so pierced that he sat down and was converted on the spot. That is power.
I pray that we recognize the power of God’s word….but even if we don’t….
so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11.
Thursday, July 01, 2010
Facade of Belief - Hebrews 3
Who were they who heard and rebelled? Were they not all those Moses led out of Egypt? And with whom was he angry for forty years? Was it not with those who sinned, whose bodies fell in the desert? And to whom did God swear that they would never enter his rest if not to those who disobeyed? So we see that they were not able to enter, because of their unbelief. Hebrews 3:16-19
This was specifically talking about those in the Hebrew nation whom God had led out of Egyptian slavery under the care of Moses….who once in the desert, turned from God.
I find it funny that the writer of Hebrews is taking his audience back to a very painful time and a well known event and comparing it to their current situation.
The real heart of the passage is the façade of belief. Those who had witnessed all the plagues, seen the Red Sea part….walk across on dry land, seen Pharoah’s army swallowed up by the sea. Been provided food from the heavens while in the desert…been given a cloud to follow in the day and pillar of fire to follow at night. How could anyone…who witnessed all these things, still not believe? How could one benefit from the miracles of God, and their life not be changed for a lifetime?
It’s not merely enough to see the pillars, the Sea parting, the plagues, and eat the manna from heaven…..just like it’s not enough to know that Jesus was the Son of God (even the demons believe) and give the appearance of faith and belief, there is an actual step of faith and belief that occurs both in the Old testament and now.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Don't ignore this - Hebrews 2
….how shall we escape (just punishment) if we ignore such a great salvation? Hebrews 2:3
Great question. The writer of Hebrews is reminding the new converts of all the words, actions, wonders and prophecies that have been fulfilled in Jesus.
I still think it must be tough for a lot of them….many Jews knew Jesus before his ministry and before it was revealed that he was the Messiah. They all knew him as Joseph and Mary’s kid, the carpenters son.
I am reminded of another scripture where Jesus recognizes that it is very tough to minister to your own people; Jesus said to them, "Only in his hometown, among his relatives and in his own house is a prophet without honor."
This is so true.
Many of you feel this tensions if you grew up around here. As you are exploring faith….for maybe the first time, people are constantly checking you out, seeing if you creed matches your deed. Even Jesus felt this and recognizes it. But what makes you different today with salvation….oppose to two years ago….when either you were not yet saved, or maybe you just lived like you weren’t?
A good question to maybe ask yourself is this….up until now….or up until I started to come back to church….have I ignored salvation? Do I still ignore salvation? Do I know Christ personally? Have I accepted his gift of salvation?
You know, a gift isn’t your just because you know about it. You must take it. It’s free, but it’s not yours until you receive it.
Maybe you enjoy all the aspects of Christianity, yet in your heart….Christ isn’t Lord. Maybe you are waiting for the Holy Spirit to do something inside you….your life, your marriage, your family, yet you don’t have the Holy Spirit. (could be a long wait)
Jenny, my wife, wasn’t saved until she was 30 years old. She was raised in church, walked the aisle when she was 8….but never surrendered herself to the Lordship of Christ. As an adult, she recognized that while others in church talked about faith, the Holy Spirit and God’s word….in her heart….she knew that although she believed all these things, she had never given herself to Jesus.
She could no longer ‘ignore such a great salvation’.
I think Satan uses pride to keep us form Salvation. At my last church there, was a guy I was in a men’s bible study with, he was a deacon, he was the pianist, he was the church treasurer, and he had traveled as part of “cruisade” back in the early 80’s….and one day he admitted to us that he hadn’t trusted Christ for salvation. So this church leader in his mid to late 40's, received the gift of salvation. For him, it was too great to pretend he was saved anymore, his pride had stood in the way long enough.
Guys, you are all friends….and I know that among friends we won’t talk like this….but this is too important. If you have ignored ‘such a great salvation’ and want to receive it….let's go grab some lunch and talk. How shall we escape (just punishment) if we ignore such a great salvation?
Great question. The writer of Hebrews is reminding the new converts of all the words, actions, wonders and prophecies that have been fulfilled in Jesus.
I still think it must be tough for a lot of them….many Jews knew Jesus before his ministry and before it was revealed that he was the Messiah. They all knew him as Joseph and Mary’s kid, the carpenters son.
I am reminded of another scripture where Jesus recognizes that it is very tough to minister to your own people; Jesus said to them, "Only in his hometown, among his relatives and in his own house is a prophet without honor."
This is so true.
Many of you feel this tensions if you grew up around here. As you are exploring faith….for maybe the first time, people are constantly checking you out, seeing if you creed matches your deed. Even Jesus felt this and recognizes it. But what makes you different today with salvation….oppose to two years ago….when either you were not yet saved, or maybe you just lived like you weren’t?
A good question to maybe ask yourself is this….up until now….or up until I started to come back to church….have I ignored salvation? Do I still ignore salvation? Do I know Christ personally? Have I accepted his gift of salvation?
You know, a gift isn’t your just because you know about it. You must take it. It’s free, but it’s not yours until you receive it.
Maybe you enjoy all the aspects of Christianity, yet in your heart….Christ isn’t Lord. Maybe you are waiting for the Holy Spirit to do something inside you….your life, your marriage, your family, yet you don’t have the Holy Spirit. (could be a long wait)
Jenny, my wife, wasn’t saved until she was 30 years old. She was raised in church, walked the aisle when she was 8….but never surrendered herself to the Lordship of Christ. As an adult, she recognized that while others in church talked about faith, the Holy Spirit and God’s word….in her heart….she knew that although she believed all these things, she had never given herself to Jesus.
She could no longer ‘ignore such a great salvation’.
I think Satan uses pride to keep us form Salvation. At my last church there, was a guy I was in a men’s bible study with, he was a deacon, he was the pianist, he was the church treasurer, and he had traveled as part of “cruisade” back in the early 80’s….and one day he admitted to us that he hadn’t trusted Christ for salvation. So this church leader in his mid to late 40's, received the gift of salvation. For him, it was too great to pretend he was saved anymore, his pride had stood in the way long enough.
Guys, you are all friends….and I know that among friends we won’t talk like this….but this is too important. If you have ignored ‘such a great salvation’ and want to receive it….let's go grab some lunch and talk. How shall we escape (just punishment) if we ignore such a great salvation?
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Jesus>Angels - Hebrews 1
In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe. Hebrews 1:1-2
The entire book of Hebrews was written to encourage new Jewish converts to Christianity. If you can imagine….Jews were used to worshipping in temples and now, were worshipping in homes. Jews had been God’s chosen people…now they were sharing Christ with Gentiles, the common man. As these Jewish Christians are now struggling with everything that makes up Christianity, they needed some reminders….and the book of Hebrews is the Father (via the Holy Spirit) reminding us what the Son is all about.
The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. So he became as much superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs. Hebrews 1:3-4
Jews slip back to Judaism, and misplacement of Jesus as some other being…..less than God was occurring. The writer of Hebrews is reminding of the power of the word of Jesus….to heal the sick, make the dead came to life…and the most powerful word in their day and ours….to forgive sin. Only God can forgive sin.
Jesus position at the right hand was important. It represents favored status and superiority to other beings/angels who were believed to live in the presence of God.
Just FYI…..Hebrews is going to be “meaty” by comparison to what we have been reading. If we understand the audience, who were so well versed in the Old Testament, many references will be made to OT prophecies, verses, and stories. So read along, use commentaries, hang in there and ask questions.
The entire book of Hebrews was written to encourage new Jewish converts to Christianity. If you can imagine….Jews were used to worshipping in temples and now, were worshipping in homes. Jews had been God’s chosen people…now they were sharing Christ with Gentiles, the common man. As these Jewish Christians are now struggling with everything that makes up Christianity, they needed some reminders….and the book of Hebrews is the Father (via the Holy Spirit) reminding us what the Son is all about.
The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. So he became as much superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs. Hebrews 1:3-4
Jews slip back to Judaism, and misplacement of Jesus as some other being…..less than God was occurring. The writer of Hebrews is reminding of the power of the word of Jesus….to heal the sick, make the dead came to life…and the most powerful word in their day and ours….to forgive sin. Only God can forgive sin.
Jesus position at the right hand was important. It represents favored status and superiority to other beings/angels who were believed to live in the presence of God.
Just FYI…..Hebrews is going to be “meaty” by comparison to what we have been reading. If we understand the audience, who were so well versed in the Old Testament, many references will be made to OT prophecies, verses, and stories. So read along, use commentaries, hang in there and ask questions.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Rich - 1 Timothy 6
Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life. 1 Timothy 6:17-19
Guy, I know for the most part, we are all well off. We have jobs and incomes that put us in the top 5% of wage earners in the world….therefore we are rich. Do you ever consider why?
Rich (if you have a few minutes…watch)
If you remember the story in Genesis, God blessed Abraham to be a blessing to others. He told him to leave the land of his fathers, and he would bless him with a child, not only a child but a nation.
I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you and curse him that curses you; and all the families of the earth shall bless themselves by you."
So by faith, Abraham left where he was from….which was not a small feat, to go to a place that God hadn’t yet revealed to Abraham.
I wonder if God doesn’t require all those who he has blessed, to be a blessing.
I’ve struggled with this in the past….and to a point still do. As a college educated son of a son of the Depression, registered Republican…I have always believed that “God helps those who help themselves” …..ever heard that? Well…that’s not in the bible….and I believe what is more biblical is that God helps those, who He has helped, to help others (I see this over and over in the bible)….he has to help me help others, because it’s not my nature.
I believe the rich need to be commanded to do good, be rich in good deeds and to be generous and willing to share…..why? Because, Paul told Timothy to tell those who were rich in his church to do these things (see above).
There is a “SO THAT” and it is….so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.
Men, so many times I am tempted to take hold of the life that is NOT truly life. I believe this refers to life outside the will of God, outside of his blessing and outside of his perfect will. I am in essence relegating God to some “Cosmic Bystander”. I believe that God wants (not needs) us to be a blessing to others….for us. And by faith, we should bless others so that we have communion with Him, that we know Him more and that we take hold of the life that is TRULY LIFE.
Guy, I know for the most part, we are all well off. We have jobs and incomes that put us in the top 5% of wage earners in the world….therefore we are rich. Do you ever consider why?
Rich (if you have a few minutes…watch)
If you remember the story in Genesis, God blessed Abraham to be a blessing to others. He told him to leave the land of his fathers, and he would bless him with a child, not only a child but a nation.
I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you and curse him that curses you; and all the families of the earth shall bless themselves by you."
So by faith, Abraham left where he was from….which was not a small feat, to go to a place that God hadn’t yet revealed to Abraham.
I wonder if God doesn’t require all those who he has blessed, to be a blessing.
I’ve struggled with this in the past….and to a point still do. As a college educated son of a son of the Depression, registered Republican…I have always believed that “God helps those who help themselves” …..ever heard that? Well…that’s not in the bible….and I believe what is more biblical is that God helps those, who He has helped, to help others (I see this over and over in the bible)….he has to help me help others, because it’s not my nature.
I believe the rich need to be commanded to do good, be rich in good deeds and to be generous and willing to share…..why? Because, Paul told Timothy to tell those who were rich in his church to do these things (see above).
There is a “SO THAT” and it is….so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.
Men, so many times I am tempted to take hold of the life that is NOT truly life. I believe this refers to life outside the will of God, outside of his blessing and outside of his perfect will. I am in essence relegating God to some “Cosmic Bystander”. I believe that God wants (not needs) us to be a blessing to others….for us. And by faith, we should bless others so that we have communion with Him, that we know Him more and that we take hold of the life that is TRULY LIFE.
Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life. 1 Timothy 6:17-19
Guy, I know for the most part, we are all well off. We have jobs and incomes that put us in the top 5% of wage earners in the world….therefore we are rich. Do you ever consider why?
Rich (if you have a few minutes…watch)
If you remember the story in Genesis, God blessed Abraham to be a blessing to others. He told him to leave the land of his fathers, and he would bless him with a child, not only a child but a nation.
I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you and curse him that curses you; and all the families of the earth shall bless themselves by you."
So by faith, Abraham left where he was from….which was not a small feat, to go to a place that God hadn’t yet revealed to Abraham.
I wonder if God doesn’t require all those who he has blessed, to be a blessing.
I’ve struggled with this in the past….and to a point still do. As a college educated son of a son of the Depression, registered Republican…I have always believed that “God helps those who help themselves” …..ever heard that? Well…that’s not in the bible….and I believe what is more biblical is that God helps those, who He has helped, to help others (I see this over and over in the bible)….he has to help me help others, because it’s not my nature.
I believe the rich need to be commanded to do good, be rich in good deeds and to be generous and willing to share…..why? Because, Paul told Timothy to tell those who were rich in his church to do these things (see above).
There is a “SO THAT” and it is….so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.
Men, so many times I am tempted to take hold of the life that is NOT truly life. I believe this refers to life outside the will of God, outside of his blessing and outside of his perfect will. I am in essence relegating God to some “Cosmic Bystander”. I believe that God wants (not needs) us to be a blessing to others….for us. And by faith, we should bless others so that we have communion with Him, that we know Him more and that we take hold of the life that is TRULY LIFE.
Guy, I know for the most part, we are all well off. We have jobs and incomes that put us in the top 5% of wage earners in the world….therefore we are rich. Do you ever consider why?
Rich (if you have a few minutes…watch)
If you remember the story in Genesis, God blessed Abraham to be a blessing to others. He told him to leave the land of his fathers, and he would bless him with a child, not only a child but a nation.
I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you and curse him that curses you; and all the families of the earth shall bless themselves by you."
So by faith, Abraham left where he was from….which was not a small feat, to go to a place that God hadn’t yet revealed to Abraham.
I wonder if God doesn’t require all those who he has blessed, to be a blessing.
I’ve struggled with this in the past….and to a point still do. As a college educated son of a son of the Depression, registered Republican…I have always believed that “God helps those who help themselves” …..ever heard that? Well…that’s not in the bible….and I believe what is more biblical is that God helps those, who He has helped, to help others (I see this over and over in the bible)….he has to help me help others, because it’s not my nature.
I believe the rich need to be commanded to do good, be rich in good deeds and to be generous and willing to share…..why? Because, Paul told Timothy to tell those who were rich in his church to do these things (see above).
There is a “SO THAT” and it is….so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.
Men, so many times I am tempted to take hold of the life that is NOT truly life. I believe this refers to life outside the will of God, outside of his blessing and outside of his perfect will. I am in essence relegating God to some “Cosmic Bystander”. I believe that God wants (not needs) us to be a blessing to others….for us. And by faith, we should bless others so that we have communion with Him, that we know Him more and that we take hold of the life that is TRULY LIFE.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Simple Instruction - 1 Timothy 3
Paul’s love for this church and affection for Timothy are the reasons such a letter was written. Coupling today’s reading with yesterday’s, we see that Paul wanted to outline “best practices” for God’s church….which is really the front door to faith for so many people.
I think about today at ANC….as we try to live incarnationally and intentionally among friends and neighbors….we must take on these same aspects, not with rigid legalism, but embrace a good life so that we, by our mere presence represent Christ, not only the salvation but also the freedom.
Simple instruction really….
In the NTT (New Tray Translation) this goes something like this.....Guys, dont be nice. There may other instruction both implied or taught....but I think it is more the intent (of the law) than the letter (of the law). I have been at a church where we got so hung up in the letter of the law, we were reduced to legalistic ineffective zealots. Let's not do that.
I think about today at ANC….as we try to live incarnationally and intentionally among friends and neighbors….we must take on these same aspects, not with rigid legalism, but embrace a good life so that we, by our mere presence represent Christ, not only the salvation but also the freedom.
Simple instruction really….
Men....Love God.
Be men of character and integrity
Let your yes be yes, your no be know
Have your house in order
Provide for your family
Don't be a womanizer
Respect your wife (in her presence and out)
Don't be a drunk (or drink too much)
Ladies.....Love God
Don’t be malicious gossips.
Don't tear others down under the auspices of a 'prayer request'
Respect and love your husband
In the NTT (New Tray Translation) this goes something like this.....Guys, dont be nice. There may other instruction both implied or taught....but I think it is more the intent (of the law) than the letter (of the law). I have been at a church where we got so hung up in the letter of the law, we were reduced to legalistic ineffective zealots. Let's not do that.
Thursday, June 03, 2010
Idle Hands - 2 Thessalonians 3
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we command you, brothers, to keep away from every brother who is idle and does not live according to the teaching you received from us. 2 Thessalonians 3:6
"If a man will not work, he shall not eat." 2 Thessalonians 3:10
I had someone throw this second verse at me the other day when he questioned our ministry to the homeless…..slackers…he called them. Well….if taken in context, this verse speaks specifically of “brothers” in the faith. But I do agree, we are to do an honest days work for an honest days wage.
I think the thing Paul is warning about in this passage is idleness. You guys have probably all heard the saying, “Idle hands are the Devil’s Playground/Workshop/Playthings”. And it’s true. I have heard time and again….even experienced it….when we become bored, when we don’t have a task, something that keeps us busy…..our minds start to wander, our thoughts turn to things that don’t honor God… least I know mine does.
I truly believe one way to combat this is daily scripture reading. It’s a great way to start the day and have your initial focus be on His ways. I pray for conviction in times of idleness. I pray God disturbs me…interrupts me.
"If a man will not work, he shall not eat." 2 Thessalonians 3:10
I had someone throw this second verse at me the other day when he questioned our ministry to the homeless…..slackers…he called them. Well….if taken in context, this verse speaks specifically of “brothers” in the faith. But I do agree, we are to do an honest days work for an honest days wage.
I think the thing Paul is warning about in this passage is idleness. You guys have probably all heard the saying, “Idle hands are the Devil’s Playground/Workshop/Playthings”. And it’s true. I have heard time and again….even experienced it….when we become bored, when we don’t have a task, something that keeps us busy…..our minds start to wander, our thoughts turn to things that don’t honor God… least I know mine does.
I truly believe one way to combat this is daily scripture reading. It’s a great way to start the day and have your initial focus be on His ways. I pray for conviction in times of idleness. I pray God disturbs me…interrupts me.
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Standing - 2 Thessalonians 2
I don’t mind telling you, I have no clue on the first part of this passage. I have read commentaries, but I am still skeptical of guys who say they know. I have my personal beliefs on End Time Prophecies, the anti-Christ and the Rapture….but not good enough to stand on them and say….this is how it’s going to go down.
I think the point Paul was making….was “Hey, it’s not already happened. Don’t turn away from your new faith because of something you may have heard.” And he gave reasons that I guess were revealed to him by God.
But I do like this;
…brothers, stand firm and hold to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter. 2 Thessalonians 2:15
Like we pointed out yesterday, not a lot of us are under much persecution in the traditional sense of the word…..but lets remember that the “Body of Christ” as a whole is….that “the secret power of lawlessness is already at work” ….and we are part of that body.
If you don’t understand what that secret power is……it’s SIN. We don’t need to look any farther than our own lives, marriages, relationships, pride, thought lives, hoarding, not trusting God, addictions, the stuff we do….but also the stuff we don’t do.
Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins. James 4:17
I think the point Paul was making….was “Hey, it’s not already happened. Don’t turn away from your new faith because of something you may have heard.” And he gave reasons that I guess were revealed to him by God.
But I do like this;
…brothers, stand firm and hold to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter. 2 Thessalonians 2:15
Like we pointed out yesterday, not a lot of us are under much persecution in the traditional sense of the word…..but lets remember that the “Body of Christ” as a whole is….that “the secret power of lawlessness is already at work” ….and we are part of that body.
If you don’t understand what that secret power is……it’s SIN. We don’t need to look any farther than our own lives, marriages, relationships, pride, thought lives, hoarding, not trusting God, addictions, the stuff we do….but also the stuff we don’t do.
Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins. James 4:17
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
All or nothing - 2 Thessalonians 1
Religion, if worth anything, is worth everything.
All this is evidence that God's judgment is right, and as a result you will be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are suffering. 2 Thessalonians 1:5
How are we following Christ? Are we wading lightly into the pool of Christianity? Are we all the way in? It’s hard to imagine suffering for the Gospel, but the church at Thessalonica must have been having some trials that they were enduring and Paul was encouraging them.
God tells us not to be luke-warm….either be hot or cold for him. Luke-warm repulses…nothing good comes from a luke-warm believer. My old football coach used to use the expression, “that would puke a dog off a gut wagon” and while I never fully understood the country-ness of that saying….he was talking about effort or our lack of it. Nothing is more unattractive than someone “going through the motions” of religion.
Are we really trying to make disciplines of our reading? Are you reading God’s word, or are you kinda following along these posts? Are we living on mission and are we being intentional? Are you praying….have you prayed with your wife lately? Are we compartmentalizing our religiosity?
Hey listen, I know our community is fun….ANC is a great place to be a part of, me and Brandon are not “your daddy’s pastors”, but if we are not making disciples of Jesus….we are failing. If the God we serve is worth getting up on Sunday morning for….he is worthy every hour of every day. All or nothing.
All this is evidence that God's judgment is right, and as a result you will be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are suffering. 2 Thessalonians 1:5
How are we following Christ? Are we wading lightly into the pool of Christianity? Are we all the way in? It’s hard to imagine suffering for the Gospel, but the church at Thessalonica must have been having some trials that they were enduring and Paul was encouraging them.
God tells us not to be luke-warm….either be hot or cold for him. Luke-warm repulses…nothing good comes from a luke-warm believer. My old football coach used to use the expression, “that would puke a dog off a gut wagon” and while I never fully understood the country-ness of that saying….he was talking about effort or our lack of it. Nothing is more unattractive than someone “going through the motions” of religion.
Are we really trying to make disciplines of our reading? Are you reading God’s word, or are you kinda following along these posts? Are we living on mission and are we being intentional? Are you praying….have you prayed with your wife lately? Are we compartmentalizing our religiosity?
Hey listen, I know our community is fun….ANC is a great place to be a part of, me and Brandon are not “your daddy’s pastors”, but if we are not making disciples of Jesus….we are failing. If the God we serve is worth getting up on Sunday morning for….he is worthy every hour of every day. All or nothing.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Spiritual Realm - 1 Thessalonians 5
And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone. 1 Thessalonians 5:14
Okay so I wanted to know who this was written for and about and why. I initially thought that it was church leaders, elders or pastors…but come to find out, it is for all of us. So then I wanted to know who it was about.
Those who are idle (also translated those who are unruly) – wayward, inconsistent, and disposed to follow their own will
Timid – feebleminded, easily discouraged by persecution, cast down by trouble.
Weak – those weak in their faith
Everyone – everyone.
The overall tone of letter is during a time of spiritual warfare…and how we are to guide those who either may not understand they are in the midst of it….or may not be able to stand up under it….without encouragement.
Rob Bell did a speaking engagement or tour called “Everything is Spiritual” where he pointed out that we are 100% physical and 100% spiritual. He said to label one area of your life spiritual was to label another area NOT spiritual. Every act is a spiritual act….it’s whether or not you are aware of what you are doing.
So guys, if you are struggling at work….spiritual, with the wife….spiritual, with the kids…..spiritual, in your spirit…….you get it. Deal with these in a spiritual realm, press into God, find Him in his word, seek His counsel and that of those who God has placed in your life over you. And pray.
Okay so I wanted to know who this was written for and about and why. I initially thought that it was church leaders, elders or pastors…but come to find out, it is for all of us. So then I wanted to know who it was about.
Those who are idle (also translated those who are unruly) – wayward, inconsistent, and disposed to follow their own will
Timid – feebleminded, easily discouraged by persecution, cast down by trouble.
Weak – those weak in their faith
Everyone – everyone.
The overall tone of letter is during a time of spiritual warfare…and how we are to guide those who either may not understand they are in the midst of it….or may not be able to stand up under it….without encouragement.
Rob Bell did a speaking engagement or tour called “Everything is Spiritual” where he pointed out that we are 100% physical and 100% spiritual. He said to label one area of your life spiritual was to label another area NOT spiritual. Every act is a spiritual act….it’s whether or not you are aware of what you are doing.
So guys, if you are struggling at work….spiritual, with the wife….spiritual, with the kids…..spiritual, in your spirit…….you get it. Deal with these in a spiritual realm, press into God, find Him in his word, seek His counsel and that of those who God has placed in your life over you. And pray.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
What Happens - 1 Thessalonians 4
And then this: We can tell you with complete confidence—we have the Master's word on it—that when the Master comes again to get us, those of us who are still alive will not get a jump on the dead and leave them behind. In actual fact, they'll be ahead of us. The Master himself will give the command. Archangel thunder! God's trumpet blast! He'll come down from heaven and the dead in Christ will rise—they'll go first. Then the rest of us who are still alive at the time will be caught up with them into the clouds to meet the Master. Oh, we'll be walking on air! And then there will be one huge family reunion with the Master. So reassure one another with these words. 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18
SO have you always thought that when a follower of Christ dies…he/she goes immediately to heaven. Well….you can keep on believing that.
Scripture shows that to be the case in several examples;
What this passage is talking about the “Rapture” and the Christ calling up the BODIES of the dead. There is obviously a difference between the body of the dead and the soul of the dead. I believe that once we die….our souls are in the presence of Jesus, where we will worship him for eternity. Our bodies on the other hand, bound by death and decay will lay waiting for the time that Jesus calls for them prior to His return, where our bodies will take on a new form, free from corruption (1 Cor 15:51-53).
For more on this:
SO have you always thought that when a follower of Christ dies…he/she goes immediately to heaven. Well….you can keep on believing that.
Scripture shows that to be the case in several examples;
• the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; And in hell. Luke 16
• "And so it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgement:" Hebrews 9:27
• We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord. 2 Corinthians 5:8
• For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. Philippians 1:21
What this passage is talking about the “Rapture” and the Christ calling up the BODIES of the dead. There is obviously a difference between the body of the dead and the soul of the dead. I believe that once we die….our souls are in the presence of Jesus, where we will worship him for eternity. Our bodies on the other hand, bound by death and decay will lay waiting for the time that Jesus calls for them prior to His return, where our bodies will take on a new form, free from corruption (1 Cor 15:51-53).
For more on this:
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Encouragement – 1 Thessalonians 3
So what Paul recognizes is that this baby church could be on the brink. They are in that fragile state when they may feel that they are “laboring in vain”. There really is not much worse than working for something and seeing no benefit or payoff. I think we must remain encouraged that God is doing amazing things throughout the body of Christ, not only ANC but throughout the area, I am hearing amazing reports of unity and movement unlike any other time in recent history.
Like Paul did, I want to encourage you with this…..we don’t have to close the deal. Part of what we learned or are learning through the TK Primer is to just be natural….the ultimate payoff ISN’T to get someone to come to church….and we may never see the ultimate payoff, but that’s not our job. As Hugh Halter told us when he came down and spoke to our Restore Community a year ago……”Just Chill”.
I know being a part of something new and exciting is an amazing ride….and you want people to join you in that. But I hope that you recognize that ANC is more about faith communities than Sunday gatherings. It’s about the JOURNEY. THIS… reading God’s word with 12 guys is amazing to me….and as much church as I have ever been a part of. POKER….with you guys….and your friends who have ZERO spiritual context whatsoever….that excites me to no end. My back patio with a fire and “God and Life” discussions….amazing, God shows up. So let me remind you…..chill, be natural, allow the Holy Spirit to lead.
Like Paul did, I want to encourage you with this…..we don’t have to close the deal. Part of what we learned or are learning through the TK Primer is to just be natural….the ultimate payoff ISN’T to get someone to come to church….and we may never see the ultimate payoff, but that’s not our job. As Hugh Halter told us when he came down and spoke to our Restore Community a year ago……”Just Chill”.
I know being a part of something new and exciting is an amazing ride….and you want people to join you in that. But I hope that you recognize that ANC is more about faith communities than Sunday gatherings. It’s about the JOURNEY. THIS… reading God’s word with 12 guys is amazing to me….and as much church as I have ever been a part of. POKER….with you guys….and your friends who have ZERO spiritual context whatsoever….that excites me to no end. My back patio with a fire and “God and Life” discussions….amazing, God shows up. So let me remind you…..chill, be natural, allow the Holy Spirit to lead.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Approved - 1 Thessalonians 2

….we speak as men approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please men but God, who tests our hearts. You know we never used flattery, nor did we put on a mask to cover up greed—God is our witness. We were not looking for praise from men, not from you or anyone else. 1 Thessalonians 2:4-6
We speak as men approved by God…that is a pretty weighty thought right there. If you can imagine, the Sovereign God saved you and me and His way of promulgating the Gospel, is to entrust it to the very entity that’s hope was the Gospel….and on….and on…..and on….
Paul’s point is that, as representatives of the Gospel, we aren’t suppose to just do what’s right on the outside….but our hearts should bear witness to our actions. For instance….a lot of people love the outward symbols of faith, the Ichthus (the little fishy on the car), the Christians T-shirts (His Pain My Gain), and the cross around the neck….even pro football players, quick to “thank God for letting us win”….there is nothing WRONG with any of these things….but they should be in line with your heart.
An interesting fact that I learned was that the men at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (called the Honor Guard) make a life long commitment. 80% of the men who try out for do not make it. These men are such men of character that they make a commitment never to cuss and never to drink…..LIFE LONG...NEVER! These men take this role very seriously…and it’s not for everyone. I’ll bet that they guys have no outward symbols marking their commitment, their service or the fact that they are part of elite group…..but I can bet you that if you ever run into one of these guys….you just know there is something different about him.
To often, Christians treat Christianity as a hobby, while other religions make theirs….a way of life. – Ed Stetzer
Listen guys…..grace is free to us, but it for sure wasn’t cheap. Let’s do our part as men approved and entrusted with the Gospel….and continually be working on ourselves…from the inside out.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Power - 1 Thessalonians 1
Guys this is an amazingly short yet powerful chapter. I loved this verse and pray this for us as men and as a church.
…our gospel came to you not simply with words, but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction. 1 Thessalonians 1:5
Brandon was telling me last night, that a newcomer to ANC was telling him what he loved about ANC is that he is constantly challenged by the message. Something I have learned is that the Holy Spirit can and does show up in power. Even in a simple message.
What I see in this verse is that it’s not merely in the words we say, but in the lives we live. ANC is constantly challenging me to live “in the Spirit” and follow His leadings.
…our gospel came to you not simply with words, but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction. 1 Thessalonians 1:5
Brandon was telling me last night, that a newcomer to ANC was telling him what he loved about ANC is that he is constantly challenged by the message. Something I have learned is that the Holy Spirit can and does show up in power. Even in a simple message.
What I see in this verse is that it’s not merely in the words we say, but in the lives we live. ANC is constantly challenging me to live “in the Spirit” and follow His leadings.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Outsiders - Colossians 4
Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Colossians 4:5-6
I guess what I love the most of this chapter and Paul, is that he recognizes the “outsider”, the Jew or the Gentile that is without the saving grace of Jesus. He is constantly posturing himself and the churches that he has helped plant to be looking outward.
I think Paul recognizes that it is super easy to (because it is our nature) to become an insular church, on that is focused on self. At ANC we have had to fight this from the start. It may be one of the toughest things that we do, because a lot of Christians who have been at other churches expect “programs”. New believers, new to faith, have no context for church…but they are taking their cue from the “old-timers” or those who act like they know what they are doing. So Paul is just encouraging them to be very aware of their actions and their conversations.
“so that you may know how to answer everyone”…..guys also let me encourage you and thank you for being and making yourself accountable in this scripture reading. As we continue to plant God’s word in our hearts and our minds…the automatic overflow will be God’s word. We will speak words of truth more openly and freely.
I guess what I love the most of this chapter and Paul, is that he recognizes the “outsider”, the Jew or the Gentile that is without the saving grace of Jesus. He is constantly posturing himself and the churches that he has helped plant to be looking outward.
I think Paul recognizes that it is super easy to (because it is our nature) to become an insular church, on that is focused on self. At ANC we have had to fight this from the start. It may be one of the toughest things that we do, because a lot of Christians who have been at other churches expect “programs”. New believers, new to faith, have no context for church…but they are taking their cue from the “old-timers” or those who act like they know what they are doing. So Paul is just encouraging them to be very aware of their actions and their conversations.
“so that you may know how to answer everyone”…..guys also let me encourage you and thank you for being and making yourself accountable in this scripture reading. As we continue to plant God’s word in our hearts and our minds…the automatic overflow will be God’s word. We will speak words of truth more openly and freely.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Recovering - Colossians 3
Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.
Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.
Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged.
When I was re-entering into relationship with Christ after my college and young adult years…I was married had two small kids…and I was a recovering douchebag…..still am probably. It’s like being an alcoholic….you never fully recover. You have to fight the tendencies all the time.
My spiritual mentor at the time….always wanted to know how my relationship with my wife was. His favorite thing to ask me….in front of her…was;
“are you treating Jenny like crystal?” …..and I always answered “who is Crystal?”. But at breakfast or coffee or whatever…he always wanted to know how things were at home, was I loving her, like Christ loved the church, was there any tension or strife.
One time, after I told them there was….he and his wife came to our home….and talked us through it.
There are tons of unhappy marriages both in and outside the church…but in a committed Christian relationship where the husband and wife are both faithfully committed to daily scripture reading…the statistics fall to almost nothing. I think it is because we are learning to actually love each other the way God intended.
But the one verse that was most convicting to me is;
For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. (and by the way....willing to lay his life down for)
Christ, as we have been reading and hearing in the beatitudes, is under control (meek) and loving. Christ is the head of the church, but not in a dictatorial manner….and if we find ourselves RULING our wives, then we aren’t loving like Christ loved.
How did Christ love?
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Sound familiar?
Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.
Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.
Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged.
When I was re-entering into relationship with Christ after my college and young adult years…I was married had two small kids…and I was a recovering douchebag…..still am probably. It’s like being an alcoholic….you never fully recover. You have to fight the tendencies all the time.
My spiritual mentor at the time….always wanted to know how my relationship with my wife was. His favorite thing to ask me….in front of her…was;
“are you treating Jenny like crystal?” …..and I always answered “who is Crystal?”. But at breakfast or coffee or whatever…he always wanted to know how things were at home, was I loving her, like Christ loved the church, was there any tension or strife.
One time, after I told them there was….he and his wife came to our home….and talked us through it.
There are tons of unhappy marriages both in and outside the church…but in a committed Christian relationship where the husband and wife are both faithfully committed to daily scripture reading…the statistics fall to almost nothing. I think it is because we are learning to actually love each other the way God intended.
a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.
May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth
He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD.
Houses and wealth are inherited from parents, but a prudent wife is from the LORD.
Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.
A quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping on a rainy day;
A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.
In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.
However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.
But the one verse that was most convicting to me is;
For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. (and by the way....willing to lay his life down for)
Christ, as we have been reading and hearing in the beatitudes, is under control (meek) and loving. Christ is the head of the church, but not in a dictatorial manner….and if we find ourselves RULING our wives, then we aren’t loving like Christ loved.
How did Christ love?
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Sound familiar?
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Settling - Colossians 2 (and a glimpse into 3)
Since you died with Christ to the basic principles of this world, why, as though you still belonged to it, do you submit to its rules: "Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!"? These are all destined to perish with use, because they are based on human commands and teachings. Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence. Colossians 2:20-23
I loved what one of the commentaries said that I read…why do we settle for lighting a candle, when we can bask in the noonday sun?
Gnostic beliefs were already present in this church and Paul was writing a letter to help set them straight. Gnosticism was or is a belief system that you can enhance your spirituality through increased wisdom and deeds. That there are different levels of salvation and spirituality, and that Christ came to impart this wisdom necessary for salvation.
Like modern day ‘Legaists’, Gnostics placed greater weight to what they abstained from and their perceived piety and knowledge than the redemptive work Christ did for us on the Cross.
I love the last verse….. but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence….meaning your head knowledge and repetitive abstention from doing things, does nothing for your heart. As a matter of fact….the first couple of verses in Chapter 3 points out….to set our hearts and minds on the things above….Paul continually makes the Christian Journey about the do’s and not about the don’ts.
Christ tells us he wants us to have life….and life to the full…..yet Christians tend to be (like Brandon pointed out Sunday) some of the meanest and most unhappy people around. Thank you guys for setting your hearts and minds on things above….as we continue to search the scriptures to learn about Our Father’s heart.
I loved what one of the commentaries said that I read…why do we settle for lighting a candle, when we can bask in the noonday sun?
Gnostic beliefs were already present in this church and Paul was writing a letter to help set them straight. Gnosticism was or is a belief system that you can enhance your spirituality through increased wisdom and deeds. That there are different levels of salvation and spirituality, and that Christ came to impart this wisdom necessary for salvation.
Like modern day ‘Legaists’, Gnostics placed greater weight to what they abstained from and their perceived piety and knowledge than the redemptive work Christ did for us on the Cross.
I love the last verse….. but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence….meaning your head knowledge and repetitive abstention from doing things, does nothing for your heart. As a matter of fact….the first couple of verses in Chapter 3 points out….to set our hearts and minds on the things above….Paul continually makes the Christian Journey about the do’s and not about the don’ts.
Christ tells us he wants us to have life….and life to the full…..yet Christians tend to be (like Brandon pointed out Sunday) some of the meanest and most unhappy people around. Thank you guys for setting your hearts and minds on things above….as we continue to search the scriptures to learn about Our Father’s heart.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The Big E - Colossians 1
All over the world this gospel is bearing fruit and growing, just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and understood God's grace in all its truth. You learned it from Epaphras, our dear fellow servant, who is a faithful minister of Christ on our behalf, and who also told us of your love in the Spirit. Colossians 1:6-8
Remember that these churches that Paul is writing to encourage are church plants… churches. The founding and growth of this church is credited to Epaphras. Paul considers him a “fellow servant” or bond-servant. This term Paul used on himself throughout the epistles, but twice did he refer to anyone else in this manner, once here and the other to Timothy.
Let me back up though…..another verse that smacks me around a bit is the first one….and we could let it get by as just a greeting….but it really is so much more than that;
Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God Colossians 1:1
By the will of God? Think about that…..Paul didn’t muster enough gumption to become an apostle, he didn’t claim to “choose” to be become an apostle….he loves and lives the ways of Jesus, by the will of God.
I think that one of the biggest problems that I have with both free-will & election….is that election sounds exclusive….but free-will sounds self-righteous. Here Paul seems to solve this for me, at least in this instance. Thoughts?
Remember that these churches that Paul is writing to encourage are church plants… churches. The founding and growth of this church is credited to Epaphras. Paul considers him a “fellow servant” or bond-servant. This term Paul used on himself throughout the epistles, but twice did he refer to anyone else in this manner, once here and the other to Timothy.
Let me back up though…..another verse that smacks me around a bit is the first one….and we could let it get by as just a greeting….but it really is so much more than that;
Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God Colossians 1:1
By the will of God? Think about that…..Paul didn’t muster enough gumption to become an apostle, he didn’t claim to “choose” to be become an apostle….he loves and lives the ways of Jesus, by the will of God.
I think that one of the biggest problems that I have with both free-will & election….is that election sounds exclusive….but free-will sounds self-righteous. Here Paul seems to solve this for me, at least in this instance. Thoughts?
Monday, May 17, 2010
Jesus Made Me Fumble - Philippians 4
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:12-13
Paul literally says, I know what it means to live hungry, in scarcity and with need…..but I also what it means to live so that I can relieve the needs of others.
To Paul, having plenty meant being able to help others. When God blessed Abraham….he said I will bless you so that you can bless others. So many of us (Americans) hoard. We believe that our time of blessing is for us, for our retirement and for pleasure. Paul never looked on blessing for any this.
If you watch any college football, you have seen Teebow or another athlete, with Phil 4:13 on their eye-black strips. Athletes love envoke the power of God for their benefit on the field of play….but I have never been convinced that God really cares who wins football games.
Hope you guys have a great day and week. We have already breezed through 3 books of the New Testament…on to Colossians tomorrow.
Paul literally says, I know what it means to live hungry, in scarcity and with need…..but I also what it means to live so that I can relieve the needs of others.
To Paul, having plenty meant being able to help others. When God blessed Abraham….he said I will bless you so that you can bless others. So many of us (Americans) hoard. We believe that our time of blessing is for us, for our retirement and for pleasure. Paul never looked on blessing for any this.
If you watch any college football, you have seen Teebow or another athlete, with Phil 4:13 on their eye-black strips. Athletes love envoke the power of God for their benefit on the field of play….but I have never been convinced that God really cares who wins football games.
Hope you guys have a great day and week. We have already breezed through 3 books of the New Testament…on to Colossians tomorrow.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Knowing - Philippians 3
I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. Phillipians 3:8
Do we really want to know Christ? I suppose we have a passing knowledge of him….I mean, we were saved by Him. We are doing a bible study….reading his word, seeking his face, but how badly do we want to know him?
The apostle Paul here, already saved….considered everything loss compared to the greatness of KNOWING Christ. Paul is not talking about knowing in the past tense for salvation….he is talking in the present and future….riches, knowledge, fame, notoriety, image….all these things pale in comparison to knowing Christ intimately.
Charles Spurgeon wrote a sermon asking us to consider being rightly accused and convicted and sentenced to die. Our death was to be placed in a pit with lion. As the gate is drawn up and the lion steps out…someone from the crowd of onlookers jumps the rail and slays the beast.
We are then rushed off to a palace where all our needs are met, and we are clothed in the finest clothes, eat the most delicious meals and sleep in the most comfortable bed. But when we ask who our savior and benefactor is….we are told it’s the same person from the lions pit. Daily we receive love notes and tokens of love from this benefactor yet when we ask who this person is….it is met with resistance. We are told that while we are experiencing lavish love from this person….and know some of what he is doing, there is 10 times as many things he is doing on our behalf greater than what we know yet they go unnoticed by us.
Do you think our desire to know this person would increase or decrease?
In my opinion, I would lay awake at night in turmoil wanting to know who this guy was. Not knowing him would haunt me….it would burn in my gut….why then am I so okay, with my limited knowledge of Jesus?
You know when someone asks you, “ hey, do you know ______?” and you know him by name, or reputation, or you may have heard of him through a friend. And you reply…..”Yes, I know him”…but you really don’t. I feel a lot of people know Jesus this way.
Spurgeon went on to say;
Do not be satisfied with thinking you know him; hoping you know him, but know him.
Do we really want to know Christ? I suppose we have a passing knowledge of him….I mean, we were saved by Him. We are doing a bible study….reading his word, seeking his face, but how badly do we want to know him?
The apostle Paul here, already saved….considered everything loss compared to the greatness of KNOWING Christ. Paul is not talking about knowing in the past tense for salvation….he is talking in the present and future….riches, knowledge, fame, notoriety, image….all these things pale in comparison to knowing Christ intimately.
Charles Spurgeon wrote a sermon asking us to consider being rightly accused and convicted and sentenced to die. Our death was to be placed in a pit with lion. As the gate is drawn up and the lion steps out…someone from the crowd of onlookers jumps the rail and slays the beast.
We are then rushed off to a palace where all our needs are met, and we are clothed in the finest clothes, eat the most delicious meals and sleep in the most comfortable bed. But when we ask who our savior and benefactor is….we are told it’s the same person from the lions pit. Daily we receive love notes and tokens of love from this benefactor yet when we ask who this person is….it is met with resistance. We are told that while we are experiencing lavish love from this person….and know some of what he is doing, there is 10 times as many things he is doing on our behalf greater than what we know yet they go unnoticed by us.
Do you think our desire to know this person would increase or decrease?
In my opinion, I would lay awake at night in turmoil wanting to know who this guy was. Not knowing him would haunt me….it would burn in my gut….why then am I so okay, with my limited knowledge of Jesus?
You know when someone asks you, “ hey, do you know ______?” and you know him by name, or reputation, or you may have heard of him through a friend. And you reply…..”Yes, I know him”…but you really don’t. I feel a lot of people know Jesus this way.
Spurgeon went on to say;
Do not be satisfied with thinking you know him; hoping you know him, but know him.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
First Cousins - Philippians 2
Your attitude shouldbe the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did notconsider equality with God something to be grasped… Philippians 2:5-6
So as Jen taught onSunday…about meekness and how that is like a bridled horse….broken to ride orwork, but his spirit remains intact. Meaning he still possesses all the power, yet it is reserved forappropriate times.
Humility is Meeks firstcousin. And as Paul encourages the Philippians to be humble….he holds Christ upas an example. What I find very humbling about this whole chapter is the verseI’ve pulled out…
If Christ, who was God,had the nature and the mind of God….didn’t think equality with God was even tobe grasped….why do I?
Let me rephrase…Jesuswas God….but he didn’t even toy with ‘idea’ of understanding equality with God.How in the world then….can we…the creation put our agendas before God’s?
Questions I asked mymyself this a.m.;
Do I believe in God? DoI believe his word is true?
Have I accepted the giftof salvation?
Am I a follower ofChrist?
Yes to all ofthese….so then;
How in the world can Iput myself, my job, my agenda, my money, my pride, my time, my family, my friends, myproblems, my worries…before him?
When we do…we not onlyconsider ourselves equal…but we consider ourselves greater than God. Don't we? I'm Guilty!
But let me say this, thetimes that I am obedient, and I have given Christ my ALL….money, friends, time,problems, worries, family….agenda….He has been faithful to care for me, toshepherd me.
I know it seems like ahuge thing to say okay….here it is God, ALL of it….but today… him in anarea of life you have never trusted him. Possibly your relationship with your wife or a friend, maybe an addiction, maybeyour language, maybe your kids, maybe your obedience with money.
I have to quit trying tomeet God on my terms….he gets this, he knows how I am, knows my nature and he lovesme anyway…..but he wants us to seek Him first, seek his kingdom first….and allthe other things of life….will fall in line. They may not fall in line the waywe had planned, but if we are in line with God…..the way he causes things… willbe perfect.
So as Jen taught onSunday…about meekness and how that is like a bridled horse….broken to ride orwork, but his spirit remains intact. Meaning he still possesses all the power, yet it is reserved forappropriate times.
Humility is Meeks firstcousin. And as Paul encourages the Philippians to be humble….he holds Christ upas an example. What I find very humbling about this whole chapter is the verseI’ve pulled out…
If Christ, who was God,had the nature and the mind of God….didn’t think equality with God was even tobe grasped….why do I?
Let me rephrase…Jesuswas God….but he didn’t even toy with ‘idea’ of understanding equality with God.How in the world then….can we…the creation put our agendas before God’s?
Questions I asked mymyself this a.m.;
Do I believe in God? DoI believe his word is true?
Have I accepted the giftof salvation?
Am I a follower ofChrist?
Yes to all ofthese….so then;
How in the world can Iput myself, my job, my agenda, my money, my pride, my time, my family, my friends, myproblems, my worries…before him?
When we do…we not onlyconsider ourselves equal…but we consider ourselves greater than God. Don't we? I'm Guilty!
But let me say this, thetimes that I am obedient, and I have given Christ my ALL….money, friends, time,problems, worries, family….agenda….He has been faithful to care for me, toshepherd me.
I know it seems like ahuge thing to say okay….here it is God, ALL of it….but today… him in anarea of life you have never trusted him. Possibly your relationship with your wife or a friend, maybe an addiction, maybeyour language, maybe your kids, maybe your obedience with money.
I have to quit trying tomeet God on my terms….he gets this, he knows how I am, knows my nature and he lovesme anyway…..but he wants us to seek Him first, seek his kingdom first….and allthe other things of life….will fall in line. They may not fall in line the waywe had planned, but if we are in line with God…..the way he causes things… willbe perfect.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Gain - Philippians 1
For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will meanfruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! I am tornbetween the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. - Phillipians 1:12-24
This passage fliesdirectly in the face of ‘Prosperity Gospel’, consumerism, and ‘he who dies with the most toyswins’. I know we’d all like an easier life, moremoney than we know what to do with, stuff….but these are all distractions toPaul. As a matter of fact, he seems to relish this time in prison in thispassage. Now I know he’d probably rather be out, but he sees the good in theprison guards, those who are probably speaking bolder with him in prison….eventhose who are preaching the gospel out of spite or for the wrong reasons….inPaul’s mind, are still preaching the Gospel.
Make no mistake aboutthis….God's work is advanced by difficulties and discouragements, rather thanby ease and prosperity. In Paul’sperspective, Advancing the Kingdom was priority ONE…..the rest, secondary. To live is Christ …….literally means‘serving Christ’ and to die is gain. Either way, Paul is giving up this carnallife. Can we honestly say this?
Because of theProsperity Gospel preached by so many people….people actually quote (one of themost quoted) this verse….which is NO WHERE in the bible; God helps those whohelp themselves.
I love Matt Chandler…andI want you to know about this awesome pastor up in Dallas…… several months agoaround Thanksgiving he was diagnosed with cancer…and I have seen him fight thisthing via video blog and it has been such an encouragement to me. Not because he will or has beatencancer, but in the way he fights.
Here is the first videohe did….its only a few minutes….but I guarantee you’ll wanna watch the rest ofthem after seeing this.
One of the mostmemorable things he says in this video is that “God considered me worthy tosuffer”.
Seriously? Watch it and see. For Matt, to live isChrist, to die is gain. What about me?
This passage fliesdirectly in the face of ‘Prosperity Gospel’, consumerism, and ‘he who dies with the most toyswins’. I know we’d all like an easier life, moremoney than we know what to do with, stuff….but these are all distractions toPaul. As a matter of fact, he seems to relish this time in prison in thispassage. Now I know he’d probably rather be out, but he sees the good in theprison guards, those who are probably speaking bolder with him in prison….eventhose who are preaching the gospel out of spite or for the wrong reasons….inPaul’s mind, are still preaching the Gospel.
Make no mistake aboutthis….God's work is advanced by difficulties and discouragements, rather thanby ease and prosperity. In Paul’sperspective, Advancing the Kingdom was priority ONE…..the rest, secondary. To live is Christ …….literally means‘serving Christ’ and to die is gain. Either way, Paul is giving up this carnallife. Can we honestly say this?
Because of theProsperity Gospel preached by so many people….people actually quote (one of themost quoted) this verse….which is NO WHERE in the bible; God helps those whohelp themselves.
I love Matt Chandler…andI want you to know about this awesome pastor up in Dallas…… several months agoaround Thanksgiving he was diagnosed with cancer…and I have seen him fight thisthing via video blog and it has been such an encouragement to me. Not because he will or has beatencancer, but in the way he fights.
Here is the first videohe did….its only a few minutes….but I guarantee you’ll wanna watch the rest ofthem after seeing this.
One of the mostmemorable things he says in this video is that “God considered me worthy tosuffer”.
Seriously? Watch it and see. For Matt, to live isChrist, to die is gain. What about me?
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Suicide Mission - Ephesians 6
Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 4:11-12
I noticed today that the Armor of God has no protection for the back. Much like regular armor or chain mail…the back is left unprotected because warriors are not to retreat or go into a defensive posture (i.e I’m not even gonna go there). Fighting an opponent in armor only made sense in close quarters, hand to hand combat. As a follwer of Christ, it is assumed that there will be close-in fighting. One might even wonder, if I’m not feeling or sensing any spiritual attacks….am I in the fight? Am I in the game?
Another mention of our enemy is;
Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8
Be alert….It is mentioned in the Ephesians passage as well as the 1 Peter passage. We have a formidable opponent in the devil and he is seeking opportunities to find us without our FULL armor. We could have the buckle of truth but no gospel of peace …..or the helmet of salvation with no sword of the spirit….and be sitting ducks. I recommend we reread this passage and know our own deficiencies, because Satan already does.
Gentlemen….you are handling the sword of the spirit this morning, the bible.
For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 You are prepping for battle….but the sword is of little use without the other pieces of armor, unless you are on a suicide mission.
I noticed today that the Armor of God has no protection for the back. Much like regular armor or chain mail…the back is left unprotected because warriors are not to retreat or go into a defensive posture (i.e I’m not even gonna go there). Fighting an opponent in armor only made sense in close quarters, hand to hand combat. As a follwer of Christ, it is assumed that there will be close-in fighting. One might even wonder, if I’m not feeling or sensing any spiritual attacks….am I in the fight? Am I in the game?
Another mention of our enemy is;
Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8
Be alert….It is mentioned in the Ephesians passage as well as the 1 Peter passage. We have a formidable opponent in the devil and he is seeking opportunities to find us without our FULL armor. We could have the buckle of truth but no gospel of peace …..or the helmet of salvation with no sword of the spirit….and be sitting ducks. I recommend we reread this passage and know our own deficiencies, because Satan already does.
Gentlemen….you are handling the sword of the spirit this morning, the bible.
For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 You are prepping for battle….but the sword is of little use without the other pieces of armor, unless you are on a suicide mission.
Friday, May 07, 2010
Building the Church - Ephesians 4
….speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. Ephesians 4:15-16
Here is where we are as a church, a body of believers and sojourners. Paul is basically talking about building the church…and not ONE time does he mention the building, the worship style or programming. As ANC continues to press forward, we are discipling so that every part of the body builds itself in love and each part does it’s work.
Let me let you guys in on a little church lingo. There is an 80-20 rule….and what that is…In church world it is normal for 20% of the people do 80% of the work, so much so that if you ask any church staff person at any church, they know about this rule. But what is amazing is that ‘The Rule’ doesn’t seem to apply to ANC. There are still some exceptions….but as a rule MOST everyone is involved at some level in the work God has called us to. And another interesting phenomenon, most people that aren’t involved in the work we have been called to….don’t stick around long.
Brandon and I were at a symposium yesterday with one of the leading church Missiologist (a guy who studies trends and movements in the church) in the nation. And we at a round table discussing our churches, and Brandon said something that I first thought was funny, then I realized it was funny because it was true….he said something to the effect of…… if you looked at our church from the outside…..we look as if we are working our church to death. All we are doing is releasing the body to do what it is suppose to do…we’ve empowered our people to love outside our walls, shown them how and given them margin to do so.
I am very proud of the level of commitment of ANC Partners and the life change going on with our little church. We got a letter this week;
The people at Austin New Church are amazing. Words can not describe the impact you have had on me this month, my first month here. We all have stories, trials and tribulations. I moved to Austin with just a thousand dollar vehicle and cloths, more than what some have. I continue to work hard and struggle. How ever I am blessed that I wake up everyday and have the opportunity to work and at least have money for food and rent. I lost a house, my car, fiancée and a child just under a year ago. My life was pretty much taken away. I have started from scratch. Coming to you guys have realized I have a lot more than I think. Also that even though I barely make it on a weekly basis I can still do more. I do not have money to donate, nor tons of time during the week, However on weekends I do. I would love to learn more about the bible, I would also love to help in the projects and things you do around this beautiful city I call home now. I am not asking for anything from this to come my way, I know other people might need the help more than me and that is what I want to do. So if we could talk sometime and you can let me know what more I could do I would be great full for that. Thank you with all my heart, and God bless!!!
Fellas, this guy is not a believer….yet. but what we do resonates so much with him…is that has been here ONE MONTH and he DESIRES what we have…and that’s God. He wants to serve to the least, he wants to know God and he expresses that the only way he knows how.
Thank you guys for pressing into the work. I sat way too many years on the sideline…and it’s way more funner being in the game.
Here is where we are as a church, a body of believers and sojourners. Paul is basically talking about building the church…and not ONE time does he mention the building, the worship style or programming. As ANC continues to press forward, we are discipling so that every part of the body builds itself in love and each part does it’s work.
Let me let you guys in on a little church lingo. There is an 80-20 rule….and what that is…In church world it is normal for 20% of the people do 80% of the work, so much so that if you ask any church staff person at any church, they know about this rule. But what is amazing is that ‘The Rule’ doesn’t seem to apply to ANC. There are still some exceptions….but as a rule MOST everyone is involved at some level in the work God has called us to. And another interesting phenomenon, most people that aren’t involved in the work we have been called to….don’t stick around long.
Brandon and I were at a symposium yesterday with one of the leading church Missiologist (a guy who studies trends and movements in the church) in the nation. And we at a round table discussing our churches, and Brandon said something that I first thought was funny, then I realized it was funny because it was true….he said something to the effect of…… if you looked at our church from the outside…..we look as if we are working our church to death. All we are doing is releasing the body to do what it is suppose to do…we’ve empowered our people to love outside our walls, shown them how and given them margin to do so.
I am very proud of the level of commitment of ANC Partners and the life change going on with our little church. We got a letter this week;
The people at Austin New Church are amazing. Words can not describe the impact you have had on me this month, my first month here. We all have stories, trials and tribulations. I moved to Austin with just a thousand dollar vehicle and cloths, more than what some have. I continue to work hard and struggle. How ever I am blessed that I wake up everyday and have the opportunity to work and at least have money for food and rent. I lost a house, my car, fiancée and a child just under a year ago. My life was pretty much taken away. I have started from scratch. Coming to you guys have realized I have a lot more than I think. Also that even though I barely make it on a weekly basis I can still do more. I do not have money to donate, nor tons of time during the week, However on weekends I do. I would love to learn more about the bible, I would also love to help in the projects and things you do around this beautiful city I call home now. I am not asking for anything from this to come my way, I know other people might need the help more than me and that is what I want to do. So if we could talk sometime and you can let me know what more I could do I would be great full for that. Thank you with all my heart, and God bless!!!
Fellas, this guy is not a believer….yet. but what we do resonates so much with him…is that has been here ONE MONTH and he DESIRES what we have…and that’s God. He wants to serve to the least, he wants to know God and he expresses that the only way he knows how.
Thank you guys for pressing into the work. I sat way too many years on the sideline…and it’s way more funner being in the game.
Building the Church - Ephesians 4
….speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. Ephesians 4:15-16
Here is where we are as a church, a body of believers and sojourners. Paul is basically talking about building the church…and not ONE time does he mention the building, the worship style or programming. As ANC continues to press forward, we are discipling so that every part of the body builds itself in love and each part does it’s work.
Let me let you guys in on a little church lingo. There is an 80-20 rule….and what that is…In church world it is normal for 20% of the people do 80% of the work, so much so that if you ask any church staff person at any church, they know about this rule. But what is amazing is that ‘The Rule’ doesn’t seem to apply to ANC. There are still some exceptions….but as a rule MOST everyone is involved at some level in the work God has called us to. And another interesting phenomenon, most people that aren’t involved in the work we have been called to….don’t stick around long.
Brandon and I were at a symposium yesterday with one of the leading church Missiologist (a guy who studies trends and movements in the church) in the nation. And we at a round table discussing our churches, and Brandon said something that I first thought was funny, then I realized it was funny because it was true….he said something to the effect of…… if you looked at our church from the outside…..we look as if we are working our church to death. All we are doing is releasing the body to do what it is suppose to do…we’ve empowered our people to love outside our walls, shown them how and given them margin to do so.
I am very proud of the level of commitment of ANC Partners and the life change going on with our little church. We got a letter this week;
The people at Austin New Church are amazing. Words can not describe the impact you have had on me this month, my first month here. We all have stories, trials and tribulations. I moved to Austin with just a thousand dollar vehicle and cloths, more than what some have. I continue to work hard and struggle. How ever I am blessed that I wake up everyday and have the opportunity to work and at least have money for food and rent. I lost a house, my car, fiancée and a child just under a year ago. My life was pretty much taken away. I have started from scratch. Coming to you guys have realized I have a lot more than I think. Also that even though I barely make it on a weekly basis I can still do more. I do not have money to donate, nor tons of time during the week, However on weekends I do. I would love to learn more about the bible, I would also love to help in the projects and things you do around this beautiful city I call home now. I am not asking for anything from this to come my way, I know other people might need the help more than me and that is what I want to do. So if we could talk sometime and you can let me know what more I could do I would be great full for that. Thank you with all my heart, and God bless!!!
Fellas, this guy is not a believer….yet. but what we do resonates so much with him…is that has been here ONE MONTH and he DESIRES what we have…and that’s God. He wants to serve to the least, he wants to know God and he expresses that the only way he knows how.
Thank you guys for pressing into the work. I sat way too many years on the sideline…and it’s way more funner being in the game.
Here is where we are as a church, a body of believers and sojourners. Paul is basically talking about building the church…and not ONE time does he mention the building, the worship style or programming. As ANC continues to press forward, we are discipling so that every part of the body builds itself in love and each part does it’s work.
Let me let you guys in on a little church lingo. There is an 80-20 rule….and what that is…In church world it is normal for 20% of the people do 80% of the work, so much so that if you ask any church staff person at any church, they know about this rule. But what is amazing is that ‘The Rule’ doesn’t seem to apply to ANC. There are still some exceptions….but as a rule MOST everyone is involved at some level in the work God has called us to. And another interesting phenomenon, most people that aren’t involved in the work we have been called to….don’t stick around long.
Brandon and I were at a symposium yesterday with one of the leading church Missiologist (a guy who studies trends and movements in the church) in the nation. And we at a round table discussing our churches, and Brandon said something that I first thought was funny, then I realized it was funny because it was true….he said something to the effect of…… if you looked at our church from the outside…..we look as if we are working our church to death. All we are doing is releasing the body to do what it is suppose to do…we’ve empowered our people to love outside our walls, shown them how and given them margin to do so.
I am very proud of the level of commitment of ANC Partners and the life change going on with our little church. We got a letter this week;
The people at Austin New Church are amazing. Words can not describe the impact you have had on me this month, my first month here. We all have stories, trials and tribulations. I moved to Austin with just a thousand dollar vehicle and cloths, more than what some have. I continue to work hard and struggle. How ever I am blessed that I wake up everyday and have the opportunity to work and at least have money for food and rent. I lost a house, my car, fiancée and a child just under a year ago. My life was pretty much taken away. I have started from scratch. Coming to you guys have realized I have a lot more than I think. Also that even though I barely make it on a weekly basis I can still do more. I do not have money to donate, nor tons of time during the week, However on weekends I do. I would love to learn more about the bible, I would also love to help in the projects and things you do around this beautiful city I call home now. I am not asking for anything from this to come my way, I know other people might need the help more than me and that is what I want to do. So if we could talk sometime and you can let me know what more I could do I would be great full for that. Thank you with all my heart, and God bless!!!
Fellas, this guy is not a believer….yet. but what we do resonates so much with him…is that has been here ONE MONTH and he DESIRES what we have…and that’s God. He wants to serve to the least, he wants to know God and he expresses that the only way he knows how.
Thank you guys for pressing into the work. I sat way too many years on the sideline…and it’s way more funner being in the game.
Thursday, May 06, 2010
Mystery - Ephesians 3
This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus. – Ephesians 3:6
The mystery here is reveal through revelation to Paul. It is the fact that Jesus not only came for the Jews…but for the Gentiles as well. This had NEVER been revealed before.
His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, according to his eternal purpose which he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord. Ephesians 3:11-12
Two key points in these two verses;
God’s Eternal Purpose – reconciling man back to God….accomplished through Jesus Christ
Through the Church - God’s plan is to use His church (you and me), to make His Eternal Purpose known.
As Followers of Christ, we have a calling just as Paul did to make known the Mystery…which it still is to some, and share the love and hope people have in Jesus.
Lastly, we have titles….Christians, Christ Followers, Believers, Pastor…but don’t you love Paul’s title? The prisoner of Christ Jesus for the sake of you Gentiles. There’s something just not politically correct about that…..and I love it!
The mystery here is reveal through revelation to Paul. It is the fact that Jesus not only came for the Jews…but for the Gentiles as well. This had NEVER been revealed before.
His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, according to his eternal purpose which he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord. Ephesians 3:11-12
Two key points in these two verses;
God’s Eternal Purpose – reconciling man back to God….accomplished through Jesus Christ
Through the Church - God’s plan is to use His church (you and me), to make His Eternal Purpose known.
As Followers of Christ, we have a calling just as Paul did to make known the Mystery…which it still is to some, and share the love and hope people have in Jesus.
Lastly, we have titles….Christians, Christ Followers, Believers, Pastor…but don’t you love Paul’s title? The prisoner of Christ Jesus for the sake of you Gentiles. There’s something just not politically correct about that…..and I love it!
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Eyes Wide Open - Ephesians 2
For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10
Works do not justify, but the justified man works.
This really lets me know it’s about the journey…not only the destination. Growing up in church I don’t know that I was ever taught about the journey. It always seemed about the destination….whether it was my own spiritual maturity (which seemed to be a far off and unattainable goal) or heaven…those two things were so far off it left me uninterested right then.
We were told we should be saved, invite all our friends to church so they could be saved and invite all their friends. I love the fact that God has prepared works for us (opportunities) and that he has prepared us to do them. It doesn’t really matter if we are a seasoned veteran or brand new believer…..he has prepared works for us, at our level…we just need made aware, remain available and open to them.
So be encouraged this morning, enjoy the journey, invite others along the journey with you and keep your eyes open to the opportunities to do good works.
Works do not justify, but the justified man works.
This really lets me know it’s about the journey…not only the destination. Growing up in church I don’t know that I was ever taught about the journey. It always seemed about the destination….whether it was my own spiritual maturity (which seemed to be a far off and unattainable goal) or heaven…those two things were so far off it left me uninterested right then.
We were told we should be saved, invite all our friends to church so they could be saved and invite all their friends. I love the fact that God has prepared works for us (opportunities) and that he has prepared us to do them. It doesn’t really matter if we are a seasoned veteran or brand new believer…..he has prepared works for us, at our level…we just need made aware, remain available and open to them.
So be encouraged this morning, enjoy the journey, invite others along the journey with you and keep your eyes open to the opportunities to do good works.
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Enter the Elephant in the Room - Ephesians 1
Okay, so here is the concept that divides denominations, churches, factions within churches and one thing that we at ANC have agreed we can differ on, and it not effect the way we do church, the way we do live missionally and the way we love God and others.
Predestination/Foreknowledge/Election – Paul introduces to this concept in this letter….he actually may have hit on it in Galatians….but Ephesians is so laced with it, I think we cant not mention it, especially for those who haven’t though through this concept.
In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will – Ephesians 1:5
The problem a lot of people have with this concept is that they feel God plays Puppetmaster, pulling all the strings and they have no Free Will. While others rest in the fact that God is Sovereign and nothing escapes him, or he knows the beginning from the end. He sees the last days and has set his plan in motion from “in the beginning”.
Where the argument gets sticky is the realization that if God chooses his “elect”, then he also chooses to not elect some too….and that God cannot be that mean, that unfair.
What we have to remember is that God is more just than fair….life is not fair….but God is still just in that.
Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use? Romans 9:21
The following verse gives great light to the Romans verse.
You turn things upside down, as if the potter were thought to be like the clay! Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, "He did not make me"? Can the pot say of the potter, "He knows nothing"?- Isaiah 29:16
So basically…..we who are made, how can we question how God made us, how he chooses to make some of his pots for noble purposes and some for ignoble…the word is also SHARD (for the trash heap).
It’s been my belief that God somehow allows us freewill within his foreknowledge. A theologian once said….that if I somehow had foreknowledge of where I was I going to die….I just would never go there. God doesn’t operate this way. He is bigger than this. Therefore, I don’t have an issue knowing God knew we would be believers from before he laid the foundation of the earth…but some people do, some Christians do.
Is it fair? I am still struggling to understand why things happen, and we will probably never understand earthquakes in Haiti, Hitler, World Trade Center Bombings and Tsunamis, but know this….in all these horrible events, God was glorified.
Was it fair that Jesus had to step out of heaven, put on skin, walk this earth and be put to death for us?
This is merely the beginning of a discussion that is maybe better suited for the back patio…and I am open to that. I just wanted to recognize this concept without ignoring it. Discuss.
Predestination/Foreknowledge/Election – Paul introduces to this concept in this letter….he actually may have hit on it in Galatians….but Ephesians is so laced with it, I think we cant not mention it, especially for those who haven’t though through this concept.
In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will – Ephesians 1:5
The problem a lot of people have with this concept is that they feel God plays Puppetmaster, pulling all the strings and they have no Free Will. While others rest in the fact that God is Sovereign and nothing escapes him, or he knows the beginning from the end. He sees the last days and has set his plan in motion from “in the beginning”.
Where the argument gets sticky is the realization that if God chooses his “elect”, then he also chooses to not elect some too….and that God cannot be that mean, that unfair.
What we have to remember is that God is more just than fair….life is not fair….but God is still just in that.
Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use? Romans 9:21
The following verse gives great light to the Romans verse.
You turn things upside down, as if the potter were thought to be like the clay! Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, "He did not make me"? Can the pot say of the potter, "He knows nothing"?- Isaiah 29:16
So basically…..we who are made, how can we question how God made us, how he chooses to make some of his pots for noble purposes and some for ignoble…the word is also SHARD (for the trash heap).
It’s been my belief that God somehow allows us freewill within his foreknowledge. A theologian once said….that if I somehow had foreknowledge of where I was I going to die….I just would never go there. God doesn’t operate this way. He is bigger than this. Therefore, I don’t have an issue knowing God knew we would be believers from before he laid the foundation of the earth…but some people do, some Christians do.
Is it fair? I am still struggling to understand why things happen, and we will probably never understand earthquakes in Haiti, Hitler, World Trade Center Bombings and Tsunamis, but know this….in all these horrible events, God was glorified.
Was it fair that Jesus had to step out of heaven, put on skin, walk this earth and be put to death for us?
This is merely the beginning of a discussion that is maybe better suited for the back patio…and I am open to that. I just wanted to recognize this concept without ignoring it. Discuss.
Monday, May 03, 2010
Facades - Galatians 6
Those who want to make a good impression outwardly are trying to compel you to be circumcised. The only reason they do this is to avoid being persecuted for the cross of Christ. Galatians 6:12
This makes perfect sense…but I haven’t seen this verse before. As long as people could keep new believers tied to the Old Law, they didn’t have to reconcile the fact that they were themselves dying….from decay on the inside….while creating a façade of piousness. Their insides are rotting from failure after failure under the law… know the saying…misery loves company.
I equate this to modern day “legalists”. Folks who are so bogged down in their own extra-biblical beliefs, they want to saddle you with them as well.
Don’t get me wrong here guys…..we need to constantly be modeling Christ….we need to be constantly striving to live more HOLY….and that’s a big word….but we need to constantly be asking God to uncover in us, the sin in our lives and remove those desires from our lives.
This makes perfect sense…but I haven’t seen this verse before. As long as people could keep new believers tied to the Old Law, they didn’t have to reconcile the fact that they were themselves dying….from decay on the inside….while creating a façade of piousness. Their insides are rotting from failure after failure under the law… know the saying…misery loves company.
I equate this to modern day “legalists”. Folks who are so bogged down in their own extra-biblical beliefs, they want to saddle you with them as well.
Don’t get me wrong here guys…..we need to constantly be modeling Christ….we need to be constantly striving to live more HOLY….and that’s a big word….but we need to constantly be asking God to uncover in us, the sin in our lives and remove those desires from our lives.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Living by the Spirit - Galatians 5
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. – Galatians 5:1
Why hasn’t anyone told Christians this? Why do we continually live in bondage to tradition, rules, performance, (modern-day)Pharisees, and sin?
One of the major shifts in my paradigm of religion in the last few years has to deal with freedom.
Paul says later in the chapter;
So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under law. - Galatians 5:16-18
Why do we continue to live under the law then? Is it that we aren’t living in the Spirit, we default to living under the law? Do we even know how to live in the Spirit?
Well, there are fruits….and they are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control….he says against these things there is no law. So, if we find ourselves doing things for these reasons, and with these as our motives….we need not be bound by any law.
Now…..Legalists – by definition are those who are bound to the LETTER of the LAW and not the INTENT. You’ll find these buttholes in churches everywhere. They are modern-day Pharisees. They outwardly live a life of piousness….then beat you up for your lack of it. They memorize scripture constantly but don’t do any of it. They will wear their religiousness on their sleeve and challenge your theology (even your freedom in Christ) and call you “luke-warm”. Maybe they should memorize the following.
Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other. - Galatians 5:25-26
Why hasn’t anyone told Christians this? Why do we continually live in bondage to tradition, rules, performance, (modern-day)Pharisees, and sin?
One of the major shifts in my paradigm of religion in the last few years has to deal with freedom.
Paul says later in the chapter;
So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under law. - Galatians 5:16-18
Why do we continue to live under the law then? Is it that we aren’t living in the Spirit, we default to living under the law? Do we even know how to live in the Spirit?
Well, there are fruits….and they are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control….he says against these things there is no law. So, if we find ourselves doing things for these reasons, and with these as our motives….we need not be bound by any law.
Now…..Legalists – by definition are those who are bound to the LETTER of the LAW and not the INTENT. You’ll find these buttholes in churches everywhere. They are modern-day Pharisees. They outwardly live a life of piousness….then beat you up for your lack of it. They memorize scripture constantly but don’t do any of it. They will wear their religiousness on their sleeve and challenge your theology (even your freedom in Christ) and call you “luke-warm”. Maybe they should memorize the following.
Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other. - Galatians 5:25-26
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Slave to Son to Slave? - Galatians 4
But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law, to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons. Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, "Abba, Father." So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir. - Galatians 4:4-7
Slave to Son to Slave?
I’ve always wondered about the attraction to turn back. It’s modeled perfectly when Moses was leading the Israelites out of Egypt (after the plagues) ….crossed the Red Sea (no small miracle) and provided manna daily for nutrition….The Israelites wanted to turn back, to go back to Pharaoh and become slaves again. I guess it was because, slavery was what they knew, it was their comfort.
You always hear about women who are abused by their husbands, but they won’t leave them. I never have understood this either.
I guess we have a little of this in us as well. After having been saved by grace, and delivered FROM sin, we return to the same SIN….time and again. Or maybe it’s just me.
Slave to Son to Slave?
I’ve always wondered about the attraction to turn back. It’s modeled perfectly when Moses was leading the Israelites out of Egypt (after the plagues) ….crossed the Red Sea (no small miracle) and provided manna daily for nutrition….The Israelites wanted to turn back, to go back to Pharaoh and become slaves again. I guess it was because, slavery was what they knew, it was their comfort.
You always hear about women who are abused by their husbands, but they won’t leave them. I never have understood this either.
I guess we have a little of this in us as well. After having been saved by grace, and delivered FROM sin, we return to the same SIN….time and again. Or maybe it’s just me.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Rescue for Sinners – Galatians 3
Rescue for Sinners – Galatians 3
For if a law had been given that could impart life, then righteousness would certainly have come by the law. Galatians 3:21
The law can’t give life.
I read….If God have give the law power to activate divine life in man…then the righteous character of God could have been derived out of legal performance of the law.
It goes on to say that….But this is IMPOSSIBLE because God’s life and righteousness can only be derived out of Himself by the dynamic of His Grace.
The law put man under a curse…..Jesus justifies us.
Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse (detested, loathed, a person assigned to damnation) for us….Galatians 3:13
The song Jesus Messiah comes to mind…and that line from it;
“He became sin, who knew no sin…That we might become His Righteousness”.
Last thought that occurred to me….was now Jesus, who sits at the right hand of the Father in heaven is our advocate….the same guy who became sin, became the curse, took all of our ugliness past present and future on Himself at the cross…. He knows us and our failures intimately….yet He loves us…and is speaking to the Father on our behalf.
Jesus Messiah ….the name above all names! Blessed Redeemer, Emmanuel. The rescue for sinners, Ransom from Heaven. Amen
For if a law had been given that could impart life, then righteousness would certainly have come by the law. Galatians 3:21
The law can’t give life.
I read….If God have give the law power to activate divine life in man…then the righteous character of God could have been derived out of legal performance of the law.
It goes on to say that….But this is IMPOSSIBLE because God’s life and righteousness can only be derived out of Himself by the dynamic of His Grace.
The law put man under a curse…..Jesus justifies us.
Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse (detested, loathed, a person assigned to damnation) for us….Galatians 3:13
The song Jesus Messiah comes to mind…and that line from it;
“He became sin, who knew no sin…That we might become His Righteousness”.
Last thought that occurred to me….was now Jesus, who sits at the right hand of the Father in heaven is our advocate….the same guy who became sin, became the curse, took all of our ugliness past present and future on Himself at the cross…. He knows us and our failures intimately….yet He loves us…and is speaking to the Father on our behalf.
Jesus Messiah ….the name above all names! Blessed Redeemer, Emmanuel. The rescue for sinners, Ransom from Heaven. Amen
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Spiritual Snobbery - Galatians 2
….if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!" Galatians 2:21
Great stuff this morning….had many things I thought AHA! I’ll write on that….but the key point in my opinion of the chapter was this last line.
The hypocracy that Paul called Peter out on was that, (keep in mind we are talking about ALL Christians now) Peter was dining and hanging out with Gentile Christians and being buddies with them….until the RELIGIOUS (Jew) Christians came to town. Then he would literally turn his back on his Gentile brothers.
What Peter was doing by his actions was saying that the Gentile brothers were inferior to the Jews because their were certain laws that Jews still observed as customs including circumcision, ceremonial washings etc….and Peter was giving credence to them.
It’s good to know this is still alive and well in the church today isn’t it. HA! At Restore Community this week, one of the ladies was weeping….because she had spent years in the church…and all she felt was guilt and embarrassment for never measuring up….attaining the level of biblical knowledge everyone else in the “Beth Moore Study” had…..and in her case, it didn’t have to overt “piousness”….but there was just a sense of NOT GOOD she never spoke.
Paul is saying….none of us are good enough, we are ONLY justified through the body and blood of Christ. And if we put credence in things WE can do…..Jesus died for nothing.
Great stuff this morning….had many things I thought AHA! I’ll write on that….but the key point in my opinion of the chapter was this last line.
The hypocracy that Paul called Peter out on was that, (keep in mind we are talking about ALL Christians now) Peter was dining and hanging out with Gentile Christians and being buddies with them….until the RELIGIOUS (Jew) Christians came to town. Then he would literally turn his back on his Gentile brothers.
What Peter was doing by his actions was saying that the Gentile brothers were inferior to the Jews because their were certain laws that Jews still observed as customs including circumcision, ceremonial washings etc….and Peter was giving credence to them.
It’s good to know this is still alive and well in the church today isn’t it. HA! At Restore Community this week, one of the ladies was weeping….because she had spent years in the church…and all she felt was guilt and embarrassment for never measuring up….attaining the level of biblical knowledge everyone else in the “Beth Moore Study” had…..and in her case, it didn’t have to overt “piousness”….but there was just a sense of NOT GOOD she never spoke.
Paul is saying….none of us are good enough, we are ONLY justified through the body and blood of Christ. And if we put credence in things WE can do…..Jesus died for nothing.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Who are we pleasing? - Galatians 1
I chose the book of Galatians to start. I wanted to jump right into Paul's letters.
Galatians 1
One thing I noticed about Paul's letter to the Church at Galatia, was that he felt that an "autobiography" of sorts was in order. He greets, rebukes, and then basically gives a testimony as to the authority he writes with.
As we live our lives on mission, the cool part about what we are asking people to do, is love your neighbors as commanded by Christ. In John 13, Jesus says that" people will know we are HIs disciples by our love for one another". But people want to know your life and what you are about before they are willing to honestly be open about "spiritual" things.
Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ. – Galatians 1:10
We can’t expect to speak into someone’s life the moment we meet someone. People want to know your “deed matches your creed”. For what ever reason, people have a distrust of 'religious' things. Whether they have been burned in the past, bored in the past or have little to no faith backgrounds.....people have their reasons, and most of them are pretty good. When people tell me....."and thats why I haven't been back to church"....honestly, I can't blame them. So keep that in mind as we share our lives and our stories. Don't be offended if people aren't as excited about your life as you are.
As you guys probably know, Paul (then Saul) was a persecutor of the earliest Christians. He stood and gave approval as the first Christian martyr (Stephen) was stoned to death. He was a Pharisee...also the son of a Pharisee. These men were the most educated, religious, pious Jews of their day. They also were known to be very "works-centric" and self-centric. So as we will learn about Paul's conversion, Christ changed him from the inside out, starting with his heart and even changed his name. We will see Paul humbly yet full of conviction, rebuke churches, but also refer to himself as a "slave" or a bond servant. He also recognizes God's "call"...and introduce God's "elect" (those called by God).
I am seriously excited for you guys as men, to desire to walk through the bible with me. I would ask that you hold me accountable, read for yourselves, form your own ideas and bring them to the table. Even if this is a totally NEW concept to you….it’s okay.
I use commentaries…..all the time. You can google....Galatians Commentary…and find hundreds of documents from different writers. Also another tool that takes more getting use the translator at Biblios. It breaks verses down by word in the Greek (New Testament) and Hebrew (Old Testament).
Today as you read, if you want to add anything….just reply all…and put it out there. It doesn't have to be ultra might just be a question, or a realization.
Sorry, today's post was a little nuts and bolts...NOW JUMP IN!
Galatians 1
One thing I noticed about Paul's letter to the Church at Galatia, was that he felt that an "autobiography" of sorts was in order. He greets, rebukes, and then basically gives a testimony as to the authority he writes with.
As we live our lives on mission, the cool part about what we are asking people to do, is love your neighbors as commanded by Christ. In John 13, Jesus says that" people will know we are HIs disciples by our love for one another". But people want to know your life and what you are about before they are willing to honestly be open about "spiritual" things.
Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ. – Galatians 1:10
We can’t expect to speak into someone’s life the moment we meet someone. People want to know your “deed matches your creed”. For what ever reason, people have a distrust of 'religious' things. Whether they have been burned in the past, bored in the past or have little to no faith backgrounds.....people have their reasons, and most of them are pretty good. When people tell me....."and thats why I haven't been back to church"....honestly, I can't blame them. So keep that in mind as we share our lives and our stories. Don't be offended if people aren't as excited about your life as you are.
As you guys probably know, Paul (then Saul) was a persecutor of the earliest Christians. He stood and gave approval as the first Christian martyr (Stephen) was stoned to death. He was a Pharisee...also the son of a Pharisee. These men were the most educated, religious, pious Jews of their day. They also were known to be very "works-centric" and self-centric. So as we will learn about Paul's conversion, Christ changed him from the inside out, starting with his heart and even changed his name. We will see Paul humbly yet full of conviction, rebuke churches, but also refer to himself as a "slave" or a bond servant. He also recognizes God's "call"...and introduce God's "elect" (those called by God).
I am seriously excited for you guys as men, to desire to walk through the bible with me. I would ask that you hold me accountable, read for yourselves, form your own ideas and bring them to the table. Even if this is a totally NEW concept to you….it’s okay.
I use commentaries…..all the time. You can google....Galatians Commentary…and find hundreds of documents from different writers. Also another tool that takes more getting use the translator at Biblios. It breaks verses down by word in the Greek (New Testament) and Hebrew (Old Testament).
Today as you read, if you want to add anything….just reply all…and put it out there. It doesn't have to be ultra might just be a question, or a realization.
Sorry, today's post was a little nuts and bolts...NOW JUMP IN!
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