Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Perfect Judge

Guys this is Preview Service Week. Be praying for ANC as we prepare. Be praying for the right people to come. If you want you are welcome, or if you know anyone in the Austin area....tell them and ask them to come. (5:00p.m. Akins High School, Fine Arts Facility) I have so much to do the rest of this week....pray God multiply my efforts and increase my time management skills.

Exodus 11
13b; and when I see the blood, I will pass over you.

This such a simplistic thought....but I am just so grateful for the blood of Christ, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the World. God, when He sees Christs blood on us, we have been been washed white as snow. There is no need for death, there is no need for punishment...our debt has been paid....there is NO sin. Gods judgement has already been poured out on the Lamb...and Jesus' blood covering a sign of that.

Luke 9
54When the disciples James and John saw this, they asked, "Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them[c]?"
I dont know...but this sounds more like Peter....or even me. Jesus rebuked these two (james and John) for wanting to see Gods wrath on the Samaritans. How many times are we judge and jury and we dont know the whole story....and even if we do know the whole story, who are we to impose judgement? Don't we trust God's perfect judgement? More times than not...I say no we dont. WE see murderers and are skeptical at their conversion, we see beggars and avoid eye contact, we assume that because we have money or we are a little short.....its not God's money and we withhold our tithe from him. Its a matter of trust. James and John were guilty of getting ahead of head of Jesus...but mostly missing His character. When had Jesus EVER called down fire to destroy anyone? Is that consistent with anything Jesus had EVER done? Jesus was about building relationships and redeeming....not destroying people.
Austin New Church, so far, has done a good job (no arrogance here) in keeping with the character of God. Being His hands and His feet, being relational and less about the "event of church".... we just need to remember HIS character.

God, your love and provision for us, your children is totally amazing. We are called into relationship with you...and that doesnt mean a 'once a week' thing. Let us be reminded that you are the perfect judge...and let us remember your character. Give us a hunger for your word so that we become more familiar with your character. Thank you for the Bible, thanks for Jesus and loving us. Give us opportunities to share what you have done for and in us.

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