Monday, February 11, 2008

Awe me!

Exodus 5;23 Ever since I went to Pharaoh to speak in your name, he has brought trouble upon this people, and you have not rescued your people at all."

Moses went to Pharaoh... and things didnt go quite as planned. Pharaoh was revered and he considered himself a god...and so did his subjects. Plus he was president of Egypt...a rich and powerful nation. He was having no part of this Yahweh and his desire to let his slaves have a 3 day vacation. Pharaoh had never heard of this Yahweh...... so why would he let the people he was getting to all his work go? So Moses felt as if Pharaoh haadnt taken him seriously, so he then went back to God to complain about that. God is about to do a work on Pharaoh, and in order for there to be no doubt that it was God.

I hate not being taken seriously. I guess with age, or experience or success you gain credibility and people then begin to take you more seriously. I'm sure this was the emotion Moses was feeling. But its not Moses experience or power or age or success that is going to be giving him the credibility....its the power of God working in Moses that is going to get Pharaohs attention. Dont we all believe that Christ working in us, either in ministering to a neighbor or the homeless or a friend is that power. God will use us if we, like Moses, make ourselves available. And we can argue all day about our lack of skills and abilities.....but those are the exact things that God reveals himself in and makes himself known.

Luke 2
The Christmas Story- the most well read account of the birth of Christ. We read this every Christmas with our a matter of fact for the past 5-6 years, our kids have read the passage to us. It is always a treasured event we do on Chirstmas Eve before bedtime and Santa's activities (yes he still pops by the Pruets)
The thing Luke doesnt do in his book is reference Micah 5:2
2 "But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,
though you are small among the clans [a] of Judah,
out of you will come for me
one who will be ruler over Israel,
whose origins [b] are from of old,
from ancient times. [c] "

which is the fulfillment of prophesy.

Joseph and Mary must just be in awe of what s going on around them. Jesus is born in a stable, that had to be quite uncomfortable....and now we got shepherds who have been directed by angels to come find them, they then take Jesus to the temple for purification and circumcision and we have this man Simeon who has been directed by the Holy Spirit that he wouldnt die before seeing the Messiah. Mary and Joseph 'marvelled' at what Simeon said about Jesus.....and Anna the prophetess also came to them and gave thanks to God for Jesus.

Even as devout Jews....this must have been quite the experience. We as "Christians" find ourselves involved in church (going, teaching, giving) , speaking the language (chirstian-eze) , doing the things of church (observing the laws).....but to be swept up in the moving of God, to be active in the role God has called us to, to be a servant without an agenda (other than seeing God's will manifest itself in your life) is awesome. Mary and Joseph must have just been in AWE.

God I pray for our lives to mirror that of Mary and just allow you and your Holy Sprit to reign in us and make us instruments of your will. I want to continue to be AWED.

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