Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Joshua 4
Riverstone….that would be a cool name for a church. Fulfillment of a promise….ended like it started with God providing, by faith, deliverance.

I noticed that God directed Joshua to get 12 stones from the MIDDLE of the Jordan, not stones they found…near the edge…or laying around the shallows….but the middle, to bring out as a sign of what God had brought them through. So when your children..and your children’s children ask you, what they stones mean….you can tell them, it is a memorial of when God delivered us into the promised land by cutting off the river….upstream, during flood stage, and made the ground dry for us to walk on….and these stones….represent God’s deliverance. “How daddy?” …. because you see that raging river……we picked up and carried these stones from way out there in the middle….when God stopped the water. And once the Ark, and those carrying it came out of the river…..God made the water flow again.
One thing that struck me as I read this…was how God will deliver his promises….even if it takes 40 years for us to be ready for them. God did a work in the Isrealites..and although we know it was 40 years in the desert, we cant fully know what that was like.
But God is somewhere in the midst of consecrating his Bride….and its been 2000 years….God isn’t really concerned with time. He is concerned with making sure his people are ready.
I am sure in the 39th year 11th month….the Israelites were somewhat looking forward to the day that they were to be in the promised land…..but somehow resigned to the fact…that it was still in the distant future. I cant help but wonder…..if we aren’t in the 39th year….11th month….before God will call forth His bride. Hopefully, his church is preparing herself.
I have never known of a bride who prepared herself for her wedding day…by packing on as much weight as possible….or going down to Goodwill to buy some old MooMoo and slippers for the ceremony. I don’t think there has ever been, outside of Arkansas, a bride get married that didn’t take a bath or shower and get her hair done. I know my wife has been to weddings where the whole bridal party, goes to get manis and pedis and massages with facials. We not only want our brides beautiful….but we don’t want any ugly bridesmaids either.
But the thing is certain….God’s not coming for his bride until she is ready.
God, I pray that we, your bride, aren’t so far away that it takes too long to prepare. I know you will wait on your perfect timing…and make sure she is ready, fully consecrated. I pray that we as a church….are doing the things it takes to make her beautiful. I pray that the things we adorn ourselves in are a reflection of your glory. I pray you continue to mold the leadership and vision at ANC…and your church as a whole into beautiful stones…that you will one day, pluck out of the river…and arrange as a memorial of your greatness.

1 comment:

S. A. McCormick said...

What a coincidence. My Aunt Phyllis talked to Butch Gilliam just this last weekend and got his new contact information. He is retired, now, and living in Gonzales, Texas, Rt. 3, Box 155C. His phone number is 830-672-3427.

PS - I'm sorry it's taken me awhile to respond to you, our ethernet port was knocked out after a thunderstorm. Since I haven't a clue what that means, it tooks some time to get it fixed.

But I was able to link to your blog and very much enjoyed your "thoughts".

Sam A. McCormick
Lenexa, Kansas