Sunday, December 02, 2007

Jenny's Birthday

Happy Birthday Jenny!
To my much older, lovely wife....I just want to let you know how much you mean to me. I thank God that we happened upon each other almost 20 years ago. Thanks for asking me to dance.....sorry I said no. I'm glad you accepted my offer later, and eventually we decided to "dance" for a lifetime.
We weren't looking for God, let alone each other...and God took a couple or selfish kids....who were only concerned about "our tempural happiness" and created a marriage with few stuggles....maybe....but definately is striving to remain Chirst-focussed.
Thank you for being my eventual biggest supporter in God's crazy adventure we find ourselves on. Your support HAD to come.....God knew that.....and I appreciate the sacrifice in comfort and security you were able to muster. Your faithfulness to Him encourages me to strive to be a better husband and dad.
I hope as we pour ourselves into our new friends, community and people who live broken lives, that God will exponetially multiply our love for each as well.
I love you!


Pearl said...

Happy Birthday Jenny! Have a blessed day!

Jenny said...

I've never commented on a blog before. It's not as much fun as I expected....My husband is just too stinkin' sweet! But he didn't have to make me cry on my very own birthday!
thanks tray...loving you is easy!!!

Shane said...

happy birthday, jenny - i was kidding when i asked if you were 45 on the phone - aren't i funny?

loving both of you is easy!