Thursday, November 29, 2007

Really doing it!

Well, it looks as if we are really doing it. We have moved our contents to Austin...and it all fit perfectly. WE had no mishaps other than the Penske truck that my friend Todd was driving would only go 59 MPH.....I guess thats ok, his cruise didnt work either. Thanks Todd, for giving of yourself and helping me with the second truck.

The house is great, we got new floors put in prior to us getting here and they look awesome. Our Starbucks Room looks good.....what you dont have a Starbucks Room? Oh...ok..its a study.

One of our dear new friends, who lives in the area, Stephanie came by yesterday and helped Jenny unpack some boxes. Then the Shootman's came by with dinner last night. Im not talking bucket of chicken here either. They unpacked a home cooked gormet meal, comeplete with plates and bowls (not plastic) silverware, salt and pepper shakers, glasses....and everything. I am impressed with 'how they roll'.

SO today for me, its back to Corpus, to finish the work/school week....then I bring the kids back up here. Will (my nephew) will be joining us this weekend, since Dana is out of town.

Thanks Austin New Church folks....

1 comment:

Shane said...

Glad you made it - it feels like I should have been there since I helped you with 3 moves, but I am grateful that I am in Ohio - so I can just pray and stuff. Ha

I would be interested in a post from you with highlights of all the houses and memories from the houses over the years since y'all moved so much.