Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Satan is a grass licker

and yes....i said GRASS.

1 Peter 5:8 Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
This is the verse that causes me to stop sometimes.....I know that I should use 'self-control' when i am aware of my sin. I know that satan would love to devour me....and my family....and my witness....
I heard said that when a lion devour its will eat the flesh...meat..guts...bones.....and lick the grass where all the blood was....leaving no trace that the animal ever existed. That is the picture i use when i think about this verse and satans desire to 'take us out'...render us useless in the Kingdom. A few names come to mind....Jim Baaker, Jimmy Swaggart, Rick Ousley...the last name there is my former youth minister when i was growing up. It was recently aledged that he had nearly a 25 year affair.....he was founder of a national student ministry, Spoke at Marriage conferences, Pastored a Large church, and chaplained a college football team..among other things.....and now....its hard to see that he ever existed (except for the blogs that are out there that trash him....and question his entire life) actually Rick had a great impact in my life...although God CAN use tainted vessels.

God I thank you for your grace...that covers our sins...that we dont have to worry about our salvation....but we must guard our hearts, our families and our witness against the devil, who is looking for opportunities to render us useless for your kingdom. As a 'fruit of the spirit' and evidence of our faith....I pray for extra self-control for myself and these men. Let us glorify you in all we do......and even in things we dont do.

1 comment:

John D. Howell said...

Love the post - like the message. I agree, Satan is a grass licker! I don't really know that that means - must be an Alabama thing, but I like it!