Tuesday, December 18, 2007

He laughs

Whats in a name....From Abram (exalted father) to Abraham (father of many) from Sarai to Sarah ( both meaning "Princess") a change in dialect. And then Isaac (he laughs)

Genesis 17: 17 Abraham fell facedown; he laughed and said to himself, "Will a son be born to a man a hundred years old? Will Sarah bear a child at the age of ninety?"

I have to wonder what it was that Abraham laughed at. was it that Sarah was too old, he was too old, she couldnt have children, was it a laugh of joy, was it a laugh of disbelief.....

I love the fact that God didnt get mad at Abraham. I love that in his covenant, that God didnt "change his mind" because of Abraham's lack of belief, or respect, or lack of ability to control himself.....God doesn't change or isnt limited by our "foolishness"

God thanks for your new covenant. Thank you that our stupidity, our lack of effort, our inability to understand your goodness doesnt mean we cannot become your children.

Matthew 8 Jesus starts to gain some attention. Healings, driving out demons, calming storms....all stories we know so well..

and the response he got....
34Then the whole town went out to meet Jesus. And when they saw him, they pleaded with him to leave their region.

Not quite the response I would have thought, or hope for....but Jesus knew this. He expected this....this is why a few verses earlier he talked about the Son of Man having no place to lay his head.

Jesus, and the Gospel.....mess with the balance of power. People are still uncomfortable with it, this is why it isnt polite to talk about "religion and politics" at parties. So what did Jesus do? He kept on healing, doing miracles and meeting the needs of people. So let us not only in our words...share Christ....but in our actions as well.

Guys something very interesting is unfolding....I want you all to pray for. I shared with you about the Corpus gathering Sunday night....there was a pregnant woman there....she is 5 months pregnant, living in a tent. I wrote about her on my blog yesterday (www.traypruet.blogspot.com) and a friend of mine....one of the two people that actaully read my blog....called and emailed me last night and inquired about the woman.
Shane and his wife Kim are unable to have kids, and have started the foster parent procedure and are looking into adoption... they have been praying that God would allow them to adopt a baby in this type of situation.... and I am setting up the contacts for him to find out more. Just pray for them as well as the baby's mother (Freedom) and her husband (William).

Tray Pruet - Associate Pastor

1 comment:

Shane said...

Kim and I appreciate the prayers.
