Saturday, December 08, 2007

Iron sharpens iron

Yesterday....I was ordained into the Gospel Ministry. What a trip. Tomorrow, I am speaking at my home church (Yorktown) and the church I grew up in (Parkdale) and the thought that occurs to me is.....11 years ago....had anyone said, God would allow me this honor.....and call me to this point....i would have said "you're %*@#$ nuts!" (because that was 11 years ago...I dont talk like that anymore) Today I am humbly recollecting all the folks who I appreciate pouring God and their lives into me:
Sam Douglass-gave me that eternal perspective and love for "the lost"
Paul White-who challenged me to live a "holy" life "set apart"
Brandon Hatmaker-who had and continues to challenge me, my heart, my walk, and my calling
Todd Jimenez-who showed me at the "end of me", God still uses and stretches us
Wayne Bartley-who challenged my leadership and creativity
Shane Miller-showed me how to worship in spirit and truth
Alan Billman-showed me to love those different than me
David Taylor-validated me and my calling
Mike Benton-my spiritual trailblazer, who showed me how to live, love my wife and kids, and gave me a passion for missions

These men shaped me, sharpened me and showed me where to find strength.

We as men...have got to seek out other help in this life.

God, thank you for Your Son....thank you that you chose to save me. I humbly commit myself to you, and pray that I can be a blessing to these have been to me. Use me despite my faults, clean me from the inside out....I love you...for you first loved me.

1 comment:

Shane said...

Nothing better than those times at the piano - I liked that you always wanted to sing and worship.