Friday, December 28, 2007

Jesus--not too concerned with Tradition

Matt 15:

I can see this same type of example play itself out today in some churches......if Jesus were to possibly talk to its leadership......
Jesus...why do your disciples (insert your own disputable matter here) Dont you know that it is a sin?
and Jesus would know of marital infidelity, porn addicts, cheating the IRS, rampant gossip, oh...and 8 out of 10 of you are FAT....and you want to say that is sin....YOU HYPOCRITES!
Isaiah was right when he said of you
8" 'These people honor me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me.
9They worship me in vain;
their teachings are but rules taught by men

Tradition...whatever...Jesus was more concerned with the heart.

Brandon may know this...but about a year ago I had lunch with a Catholic priest....who i approached and encouraged after a funeral mass....he had done. I was super encouraged to hear a Christ-alone gospel presentation. He subsequently invited me to lunch and I accepted. We had great conversation. we talked about his conversion....he asked about mine....and we just enjoyed the differences without being critical. I told him about my 4 years in a Catholic school and he told me his brother was a Baptist. While eating....(he was in his collar) we were approached by a parishoner...and she gushed at him.....then she turned her attention to me...asking me "what parish I attend" I felt like i was in college......"what frat are you in?" anyway I told i was in this small little known parish ..... then I admitted that I wasnt catholic....and she just shook her head.... looked sadly at me and said she was sorry....and left. Minutes later, she came back in with tracts....(trying to save me) and the only thing she offered me, that she said I was missing....was Tradition (with a capital T she said) She said without the Tradition of the Catholic church i was missing the Fullness of Bla bla bla. My new priest friend was amused...and kinda slyly smiled as I graciously accepted a rosary she gave me (still in the wrapper) then she crossed herself and left again.
We joked about that....and i told him that was the first time a Catholic tried to save me. He said....Baptist do it to him all the time (thanks to his Brother) .....we both had a laugh....he asked if i was going to use the rosary....and I gave it to him.

Genesis 24 Isaac's servant did as he was instructed. He prayed for success in his journey. how many times do you think that if you were at a well and asked a woman for some water, she would offer to water your camels. That Rebekah was some kind of woman. Anyway....this was no chance meeting. It was definitely orchestrated, and I praise God....for stepping into my life, when I had no clue....and placing a two struggling kids together....who would eventually line themselves up with God.

I thank God that He provided me with my own Rebekah. Now, Jenny has never watered my camels....but she would if i had some. Guys, we need to really treasure our wives.... praise them and treat them like 'crystal'.

God I pray that I am able to reflect your heart. TO learn your ways....which arent Traditions....but allow your word to "define the way I live' I pray that church leaders everywhere, are seeking your heart....remembering their first love...and not become so encumbered with doing church...that they forget to be your hands and feet. Bless our effort and be glorified in us.

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