Monday, May 05, 2008

Title Fight

Athens seemed to be the center for philosophy and thinkers of the day. And here comes Paul, an educated Jew and Phairsee, newly anointed and consecrated by God. It just seems and has the smell of a heavyweight title fight.
It is with this that he stood before the Areopagus which is the overseers of everything 'religious' and they wanted to hear what Paul had to say...and with conviction he said,
Acts 17:24"The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands."

And as Paul of the members of this uppity council joined as a follower of Paul.

I pray that we arent intimidated by those who claim to be wise, free thinking, New Age, secularists...but that we boldly proclaim what we know as the Gospel. Even in Paul's case...some sneered....but one followed. Glory to God for that one!

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