Sunday, May 11, 2008

Strange thought

I am reading, "They Like Jesus, but Not the Church" by Dan Kimball, and I had a strange revelation. What was said in the book was " Jesus didn't come to build small communities of people who complain about the outside world...but rather to send them out in the Power of the Holy live missional lives".
I've also heard the Rev. Billy Graham say something to the effect of 80% of those in church....might not be saved. (It may have even been in Baptist Churches) But those coupled with what I know about the Christian Bubble, and home schoolers...etc. lead me to believe that churches aren't even a haven for Christians....maybe they are just a haven for scared people. (without the Holy Spirit)
If they were Christians, saved by grace....they'd be filled with the Holy Spirit...and that would manifest itself in living like the disciples and apostles of old.... missional in their living. Maybe somewhere along the way, churches just became a safe place to raise a family. Maybe churches are an extension of a nice neighborhood, good schools, the right crowd.....mercy.
Remember the days of Revivals....where a church would catch fire....tons would get saved and the Holy Spirit would fill the people, the church and the community? What happened to those? I know they sound 'old school' and maybe something has taken their place....but I want Revival to sweep through our churches, our communities, and our country.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right on, Tray. It was over-the-top exciting for me to be there in Austin on Tuesday and to hear you, Brandon, and Jenny talk about how God is using ANC. Keep it real, bro.