Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Psalm 60 – Disparity?

Psalm 60 – Disparity?
When you read the description of the Psalm at the beginning and realize that in this time…David was at the height of his victories….why does the Psalm read like he is getting his butt handed to him day after day?
One of the commentaries I read said that;
David saw himself as a small part of a grand scheme in which God caused the rise and fall of nations for His own purposes. Even David’s victories were seen as chastenings of a sort—costly reminders that the outcome of events does not depend on the strength or will of man, but upon the decree of God, the true King, who disposes all things according to His wisdom, justice, and mercy.
In other words, David is recognizing is that….even in times of victory, there is someone on the other side….who the favor of the Lord isn’t shining on….that the grace and mercy of the Lord is solely His to bestow to bring glory to Himself.
ANC finds itself in a time of favor…and we pray for that to continue. But we realize that there are church planters all over town, and the country for that matter, who have felt a calling by God to plant only to fail.
I really don’t have any clue as to why…..but what I do know…is that there is a season in the life of this church, where we are winning battles large and small. To God be the Glory!

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