Saturday, April 18, 2009

Ecclesiastes 3 – Bad Science

Ecclesiastes 3 – Bad Science
11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men.

I know this to be true for me…but I wonder if those who claim NO eternity, who believe when we die….we just cease to exist, actually believe this, or if they did claim to believe otherwise, they’d have to do something with God.

A scientist who once tried to prove/disprove the existence of an afterlife, once created a test that only he knew the answers to, sealed them in an envelope, and after his death instructed those close to him to use 5 mediums to channel his spirit and find out the answers…of course, the mediums didn’t/couldn’t. Thus proving no afterlife? Or thus proving all mediums are full of crap?

Another scientist reported of eternity….’Finding out is easy. Reporting back is the challenge.’

I think the fact that scientist are constantly at odds with biblical truths, actually gives credence to the fact that something (God of the Bible/eternity) is on the hearts of men.

1 comment:

Trace said...

In reading through "The Reason For God" with you and the guys, I found Timothy Keller's explanation incredibly enlightening: that science necessarily cannot allow for the existence of the supernatural, and therefore it is an inherently flawed method for either proving or disproving the existence of God. When it comes right down to it, we all know there's something more -- it's just whether we admit it or not. (And, once admitting, whether we can understand its nature).

Great post. I love the quote from the scientist re: eternity. It feels really good to believe that yes, there is someone who has that under control, and He loves me.