Monday, February 02, 2009

Nehemiah 11 – Move Us

Jerusalem wasn’t safe, there was much work to be done, it was different, there were just a bunch of strangers there, it wasn’t home. So many reasons for the Israelites not to want to be there….but many ‘were called’ to live there. Many felt the pull of national pride, or maybe it was just the ‘greater purpose’ of being a part of a movement of something larger them themselves.
I can totally relate.
I would bet that many of the men had wives, who were beside themselves. They were probably thinking about the kids, the security, the problems that they would face, the relationships they would leave behind, the family that would be hurt…and ultimately the hardship of the work and the constant fear of being in the ‘enemy’s’ crosshairs.
Austin was our Jerusalem. Jenny and I had to decide that ultimately wherever God called us, was the place we would be. The strange part was…we had never trusted God in a decision of that magnitude….never. That time of decision was truly a God thing. To move us his direction, he affirmed us in the little things. People that we thought might be hurt the most…or call us crazy….supported us.
Nehemiah 11:2 The people commended all the men who volunteered to live in Jerusalem.
I am removed by a year and a half from that time of decision and God moving in my life. But I am still humbled by it, like it was yesterday.

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