Wednesday, April 16, 2008

“There couldn’t possibly be just ONE way!”-Oprah

Acts 4:11He is" 'the stone you builders rejected, 
 which has become the capstone. 12Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."

Capstone or cornerstone…..the place where two walls intersect…also foundation. Stregnth of the cornerstone was and is most important. With a week stone, the integrity of the structure is in question.

Brandon and I just built this deck in his backyard….this area is called Hat-o-vallarta (ask him about it) the deck is awesome….but yesterday I as asking him about the integrity of this back corner that deck. Basically it only has two screws into a 4x4 fencepost. Now, that may be strong enough for the wooden deck, but my suggestion was to figure out some way to reinforce that. Its integrity is in question, and over time….may become a problem.

Jesus as our conerstone will never lose its integrity…it may be called into questions, but the claims of Christ are all true, nothing has been proved false.

Another use of Capstone is the pinnacle, or crowning achievement. Jesus was that and his resurrection stands as Gods only means to be saved as we see in 12. Scary thing to me is that influencial people and their claims of salvation. Apparently never read the bible.

How much influence does Oprah and people like her have? “There couldn’t possibly be just ONE way!”

12Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."

Not the “light” not your “chakrah” no other “paths” , not “allah”

Guys DO NOT ALLOW watered down examples of God’s perfect plan to go unchallenged. Pack verse 12 away in your heart and when we hear garbage like Oprah’s, lovingly (if at all possible) steer people toward God’s word….not your words.

1 comment:

Pearl said...

There are a lot of people who are taking stand against Oprahs influence. I blogged about her last week and I have seen many others stand up and say they won't be swayed!
This is a great verses to refer back to! Thanks!