Thursday, April 10, 2008

teachable spirit

John 21:17 The third time he said to him, "Simon son of John, do you love me?" 
 Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, "Do you love me?" He said, "Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you."

After Jesus asked Peter the first time, “do you love me”….Peter would have no way of knowing Jesus was leading him to the emotional recognition of his denying Christ 3 times. Christ was gently correcting, again bringing Peter to a teachable place. Peter’s response was, “you know I love you.”

The second time Jesus asked Peter…the response was the same, but the time….Jesus said, “take care of my sheep” instead of feed. Jesus is The Shepherd, and was asking Peter in his absence to nurture and care for his flock. It is important that Peter love the Shepherd….if he did not, he would not love the flock of the shepherd. A hired hand, who is paid with money…will not lay down his life for the sheep or the shepherd who hired him…..Jesus knows that Peter will be put to the test…and it is important for Peter to know (unlike when he denied Christ) that he must love The Shepherd more than life itself.

The third time Jesus asked Peter, I’m sure a rush of emotion came over Peter. Anger, embarrassment, sadness, hurt….yet Jesus, in that moment lovingly reinstated Peter. He had about a week or two to think about the denial..and I’m sure was kicking himself, and Jesus wanted him to know…it was alright, I still love you, and I trust you to tend to my flock, my sheep that I love.

God, give me a teachable spirit. Break me of my pride….give me ONE passion, to follow you alone. You are worthy of ALL of our affection, you know I love you!

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