Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Torn Veils

Exodus 26:30 "Set up the tabernacle according to the plan shown you on the mountain.

A far cry from the Star Event Center (or even Akins Fine Arts Facility) where we have been coming together for worship.... Talk about fine arts. God spared no details when coming up with the plans of the Tabernacle that His Presence would indwell. Still some churches today (and I'm not knocking the buildings) , The Crystal Cathedral, Joel Osteens place, 2nd Baptist Houston....still are elaborate in their wealth and their design.....can God be as pleased with "little old us" as he is the previously mentioned churches.....YES...because God no longer makes his home in the building.....but in the hearts of his people. This is why the veil in he Temple (see Luke Passage) was torn top to bottom, when Christ died on the cross. If our hearts are 'in tune' with God's heart and we are doing the things He has called us to do.... it makes no difference WHERE we meet.(one of my e-countability guys Cody Comstock noted this morning) If you pay attention, you notice that God tells Moses the plans for the sanctuary starting from the inside working to the outside. He works in his people the same way, starting with their hearts and working out.

Brandon and I were talking just last night about the future...and where we thought our Church home would land...(now keep in mind we were dreaming) but neither one of us sees an elaborate 15-20 million dollar Super Church in our futures....but possibly an old converted Albertons, or Home Depot (with a lease purchase agreement) possibly with pews made of Acacia wood....but thats it.

Luke 23:44It was now about the sixth hour, and darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hour, 45for the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. 46Jesus called out with a loud voice, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit."

It is finished! Jesus became our sacrifice...he took our sin, He finished God's plan of redemption. Like Brandon preached this week, there is no longer need for sacrifice...it is finished. Anything we think we can do to become worthy or earn our place in God's Kingdom, cheapens the action of Christ on the Cross. All we have to do is believe and receive the gift form Christ that was offered on the cross.

God, thanks for completing your work of redemption. Forgive all of our crappy little attempts to earn your favor. I pray our hearts our bent toward doing good works in view of your mercy, as our spiritual acts of worship. As you children, you love us regardless...and you want us to reflect you. Forgive us when we dont.

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