Monday, September 08, 2008

who's got two thumbs......

Judges 8:33 No sooner had Gideon died than the Israelites again prostituted themselves to the Baals.
Okay seriously….who’s got two thumbs and is ticked at the Israelites….this guy!’ I’m imagining Gideon’s body…not even to room temperature, and theres the Israelites with the crane, erecting the Asherah pole….and Baal altars again. You know it’s tough not to cast stones here. But we do the same thing. No sooner do we confess our sin..are forgiven, but we fall right back into the same sin life we have been forgiven.

And it’s also no wonder they missed Jesus. Seriously, maybe they actually finally got it (when Jesus came)…. Have no Gods before me...hmmm....maybe God is serious. So, when Jesus came, proclaiming to be God’s son….they were not only skeptics, haters and eventually the ones who put him to death, but even today….its a tough sell…even with the entire bible laid out before them, all the prophets pointing to Jesus….Jews then and now…are like, no its ok, we are good with One God. We’ve learned our lessons.

Makes me appreciate even more, those Completed Jews....who love and desire for the Jews to accept their Messiah.

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