Tuesday, January 15, 2008

so much in names

Men, I was awake from 3:30 - 4:30 last night..... and I am a great sleeper..... i NEVER am awake that long at night if at all...and I just sensed God saying....Im ready to talk and you need to listen. I felt God telling me that I needed to spend more time in prayer for his church, my family and listening. I rarely listen in prayer......I usually pray til i fall asleep or in the morning....before I read Gods word, ask him to speak to me through it....but again....like brandon said the other night....."if i were to spend as much time thanking God as i did asking for stuff.....my prayer life would nearly double".... and i'm right there with him.

Gen 36
Esau that is Edom.....or red, in reference to his trading his birth right for a bowl of Red Stew. The thing about this now, is that he is being called Edom,...and he is leaving the area of his birthright that is naturally his. Obviously his wealth has let him take his leaving in stride.... he has long 'gotten over' the hatred toward his brother and his is just living the dream.
Well..also mentioned in this chapter are his wives... who were apparently prostitutes by their names....Adah....meaning ornamental, outward beauty and no inner substance.....and his wife Oholibamah derived from Hebrew ohel "tent" bamah "high place" and the commentary i read said there were temple prostitutes in tents around the 'high places' of idol worship. So, Esau/Edom isn't the most upstanding/righteous man in the OT.

A few other names through this chapter i recognized, but these give insight into Esau/Edom.

Matt 27: Pilate was a pawn.

a Governor, a judge and apparently an official who wanted to remain in the 'good graces' of the people. Reminds me of elected officials these days. The people in the Sanhedrin had no authority to do to Jesus what was done, so they trumped up charges and brought Jesus to the only authority who could. Pilate was a Roman authority and therefore could carry out the crucifixion.... but Pilate knew Jesus had done nothing worthy of it. Pilates wife knew Jesus was innocent.... and according to custom, Pilate tries to offer up the most notorious criminal Barabus or Jesus to be turned loose. I guess this might be lie asking if we should allow Charles Manson free. Can you imagine....Charles Manson back in circulation...... yet the people called for Jesus to be crucified.
The people even screamed....."Let his blood be onus and our children"...wow.....that is irony.

God, I realized as you had me awake for an hour last night, that my prayer life isnt where it needs to be. Forgive me father. I do not thank near enough the blessings i have, and even the air i am breathing right now. You are so very good to us, your children. I thank you for not wiithholding your favor because I am a screw-up.....lowly, poor and destitute without you. Thank you for calling us to Austin, thank you for calling me period...to be your child, to be your servant and to call you Abba.....Father. Thank you for your spirit as He fills us daily....and falls on us, when we call on Him. Thanks for Jesus, that He wilingly gave his life.... and that precious blood to save us. Amen

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