Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Will you just be still......

Be still and know that I am God….Habakkuk. In my opinion (in Habakkuk 3) the prophet has tasted just a little bit of God’s greatness, mercy, justice, power, love, creativity, wrath, redemptive nature, awesomeness and is in awe. He is recollecting all these images and does….in a few words (of an apparent song) convey them to us. (this guy is Chris Tomlin of his day) BUT, listening back (from chapters one and two) to the Lord ……Selah……..be still, pause, wait on it, know that I am God…..there is a reverence to this song…..there is time for the Creator to speak to Habakkuk's spirit in the Selah (the pause)

Hebrews 3….last part of 9 so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone

You know the great part of this….and one we take for granted….the “sting” of death has lost its power over believers. The death Christ tasted, we don’t taste. WE may ‘think’ we do…and the world/satan has trumped up death to scare the crap out of us….but for believers….Jesus removed that taste FOR us. Physical death…in our bodies is merely escape to our glorified bodies…and into the presence of GOD himself.
One pastor I heard talk about this a couple of weeks ago at a funeral said….this life we live on earth…is less than 1% of our existence. And we fail….i think to convey and to think of ourselves as eternal beings.
His point was….. a financial advisor….prepares us for retirement …..which is maybe 5-10% of our lives… and we work our whole lives for that 5-10% time period (of the less than 1% of our eternal existence) how crazy is that? when we could be working for eternal things…..

1 comment:

Shane said...

i am goin g to mention this truth to all my clients who are ill-prepared for retirement at age 58 and see how they receive it - ha!