Thursday, October 18, 2007

what the heck is going on

Dear Friends,

Jenny and I are totally blown away at what is going on in our lives, and we wanted to catch you up. If you haven’t already heard, we are joining our longtime friends, Brandon and Jennifer Hatmaker, and planting a church in Austin Texas.

I’ll let you catch your breath….it’s okay, that was Jenny’s first reaction too.

(A little history) Back in 2002, my Dad came into my office at Trend House and we discussed things; things pertaining to my job, my family, my passions, and God’s calling on my life. He recognized my desire to serve in full time ministry through my passion for working with youth and serving as a deacon at my home church, Yorktown Baptist Church. I have referred many times to this conversation because I will always cherish it. Dad died less than 2 weeks later.

Leaving a city I have lived in for over 30 years is a tough decision. My family, my church, our great friends and my “fairly” secure job all weighed in favor of staying in Corpus. But God said NOW. Your passion, your experience, your desires early on, your education, your desire to make church excellent, your heart for folks and your gifts…..I gave you those and I want you to use them NOW. I made that heart beat and I want it NOW.

Honestly, for me to choose otherwise would be outright disobedience to the One who created me.

How can you help? Glad you asked. I would love all of you to partner with us. And by us, I not only mean Austin New Church…..but my family. We have come on board, knowing that we must raise half of our salary. There is no doubt God will take care of us, but I’d like you to pray about participating in sending us to Austin…as your missionaries to a city that needs Christ.

This has been a very humbling, solidifying, prayerful decision we have made as a family, and as we respond with our lives, we would love you to join us in one (or more) of three ways. Prayer, giving, and/or coming to help as you feel led.

One of the verses that has really spoken to me is Psalm 40:4 (The Message):Blessed are you who give yourselves over to God, turn your backs on the world's "sure thing," ignore what the world worships;

This verse spoke to me when I doubted. I could stay in Corpus Christi, raise my kids, work at Trend House, play golf at the Country Club, travel on my suppliers dime, Jenny would continue to thrive in real estate, and we could remain comfortable and “happy.” Or I could push aside the “world’s sure thing” and do what God called me to do. I don’t know where this will ultimately take us, but I know God provides for his children and we are just thrilled to serve God in this way. I know some are called to GO and some are called to GIVE…Jenny and I have received many letters just like this one to help folks GO on mission trips and DO ministry. It has always been a pleasure and blessing to participate like I am asking you to do now.

He moved us from the GIVER to the GOER.

One thing I hope you know is how we love God and love people. It’s not a natural thing to love like Christ loved; it’s the love of Christ in us, and we feel it deeply for each and every one of you.

Tray Pruet ,
Pastor of Spiritual Development, Austin New Church (

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