Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Grace to Outsiders

1 Corinthians 5: 12-13 What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside. "Expel the wicked man from among you."

Simple rule to live by…. coupling chapter 4 and 5… I get the underlying meaning of both.

Don’t brag about what you were given…and don’t judge outside the church.

This isn’t saying once a person steps foot inside the building (remember the church isn’t the physical structure) to judge them. But if one represents themselves as part of the church, they are held to the standard Paul is talking about. Those outside the church....should be shown grace, plain and simple. Never judged.

The whole boasting about what you are given, may be like the difference between Pride and Arrogance. I take a certain amount of pride in a job well done, or better yet, one of my kids doing a good job…. I think this is a good thing, a good pride. Arrogance is pride before, during and after….and not considering others at all. I feel that the church at Corinth…or some in it…were arrogantly boasting about their extra stuff they were doing….legalism, and Paul was pointing out that;
1. we are all equal at the foot of the cross.
2. You didn’t earn it….so you can’t brag as though you did
3. If you have different giftings…its because God gave them to you.

God thank you for keeping me grounded, today. I pray for all my brothers to boast only in the cross of Jesus. Give me peace today among the craziness.

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