Thursday, March 19, 2009

Esther 10 - Rhino Focus

Esther 10 – Rhino Focua
Mordecai never served his own interests…..just those of his people. I think the great example he leaves us….is that we are called to the task at hand. He never thought about becoming second in command in all of Babylonia….he responded to what called had called him to. For Mordecai, it was life and death….but simple in nature. Stand up for his people and work for their good.
I know sometimes I get all sidetracked by the end result and not concentrate on what is before me. I love Matthew Hansens tattoo of the Rhino… is a representation of the faith he has and wants to keep.
Rhinos are very near sighted…so much so, that they can only see several yards in front of them. So as they step or walk or charge….they are focused on what is just in their short sighted range.

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