Friday, November 14, 2008

All the King's Men

2 Samuel 1:11 Then David and all the men with him took hold of their clothes and tore them.

After hearing of the death of Saul…and the delivery of the crown and the band on his arm….that the king would wear….David truly mourned. Truly.

If anyone had reason not to mourn it would be David. But the thing I like….the thing that stuck out to me most of all….were the men with David. They were a party to the attacks and the running for their lives…they had reason to loathe Saul as well….yet their leader set the example, their leader showed them how to behave in this instance….and they truly mourned, wept and fasted with David.

God thank you for the Godly examples you have put into my life….who have shown me how to behave, how to love, how to be a man and still love you. God lift them up today and give them special blessings as leaders, give them your wisdom as they continually seek out other men to shepherd. And let those of us in leadership realize that we are being watched….how we behave predicates how those around us will behave. Guide our hearts, our thoughts and our tongues as we interact with others….both those who know you and want to know you more…and those who don’t yet know you.

1 comment:

Trace said...

Thanks Tray. What a great message to read today, and I love what this says about leadership. We appreciate the prayers, dude! I will return the favor.