Monday, May 11, 2009

Psalm 67 – Global God

Psalm 67 – Global God
I got an email this morning before reading this passage….from Mari, a dear friend of ours. Mari was in the youth group with Brandon at my old church….she was good friends with Luis (from our church) and was instrumental in the Father’s plan of salvation for him.
Anyway, Mari is now in North Africa….serving with the IMB (International Missions Board) to teach English. But the main purpose for Mari being there…and the reason she signed up for this 3 year commitment, is to reach her region for Chrst.
So this passage this morning with words like nations, people and the ends of the earth….really made my mind and heart turn toward Mari. Then after reading Mike’s post I thought….okay….we are all teaching English is some capacity, but what is our real purpose. What are our barriers?
Mari has to be careful with her communication because she is in a Muslim country that is closed to the Good News. She communicates and talks about “the Father”, “prying for her”, Chrst the “LRD” the Kingdom….the same Kingdom we press into and try to make more tangible to our neighbors and our city.
Please join me in pryer for Mari, that the soil she is working will become fertile. That the language will ‘click’ and she is better able to communicate. Pry for Dora, Falicia and Amanca…who she asked we pry for.
I am cc’ing Mari to this email. If you want, let her know you are prying for her….what a privilege we all have to pry and openly communicate with the Father and each other. Love you guys!

1 comment:

Mari said...

Today, I felt like I really needed to send out an email and give some of my dearest friends more specific things to lift up. I know the Body plays a huge role in the Kingdom. So, after some time of pryr I began searching my contacts and asking who would really pry. Tray, today was remarkable. I went to the office supply store and saw two girls that work there that I have not seen in a couple months. I exchanged numbers with one of them. We will call her "May." Then I was leaving and I was dreading going to the cashier, because he pretty much hates the world. I thought Father please help me. Well, his sweet co-worker said, "you are beautiful." What is your name? I introduced myself and she had a sweet spirit. There is something special about that girl, her name was "Grace." It was totally the Lrd, because in the midst of it all, when I was upstairs I thought please Father use my absolute inadequacy to be a light. At one point I had the attention of like 8 people, all who were laughing at my Arabic, but you know He can use the least in the Kingdom, praise Him for that : )

Well, usually that would sum up an entire month here, but the story does not end. The grumpy cashier began to help me say things to "Grace" in Arabic and was REALLY kind. After Arabic, we saw a homeless lady under the bridge. I have given her food before, but today she yelled out, "How are you?" No one does that so I said good and you, waited for a reply and left. As I was working out, my roommate said did you think you were supposed to stop and talk to that lady. I said yes. We threw on some close and headed out this evening to the bridge. (Just like you all : ) She told me her husband had died and now her and her three children slept under the bridge. She needed a blanket. We headed home to get her a blanket. On the way to get a blanket two little girls that beg that we talk to regularly, asked us to buy them ice cream tomorrow and we said yes we would meet them in front of McDonald's. They are pretty particular : ) We gave Mona the blanket, told her we loved JC, shared some scrip. and then my Arabic had come to an end. Needless to say, my roommate and I came home and praised Gd. Then I remembered I sent out this email and truly was floored and utterly amazed at the responses. Tray yours brought me to tears as i thought I have little to do with His Kingdom he truly is unfathomable. Thank you, because we all were able to share in the joy of making His name known.

Really, I was pretty speechless when I opened up my email.

You are more than welcome to email this to your buddies, they let me know they were prying for me. He is good!!!

I hope you all know that you, your family, and ANC are on my heart.
