Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Allow God to Rule in Everything

Genesis 27
Upon me be thy curse ..... how simple that would be if that is the way it played out. But when we try to go before God.... and ask for his blessing later.... this got all screwed up. Rebekah knew that Esau had sold his birthright to Jacob, but that Esau would accept it, so she got in the way...... and assisted in misleading her husband, put Jacob in the same situation, and gave Esau the cause to hate his brother.
What a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive.

Matthew 184Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus, makes it very clear to the educated of the day...that what we bring doesnt add up to anything, where the kingdom of God is concerned. We talk about this childlike faith all the time, but what it doenst for reason to be thrown out the door. What it does mean is that we should know and proclaim that we are totally dependent, like a child, on our Father in heaven and his atoning sacrifice of Jesus, his son.

20For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." I claim this verse all the time... and its a great verse.... I know I dont use it in the context that it was delivered. In matthew 18 it is used when we correct and rebuke in the name of Christ. I dont know if you have ever been on either end of a "rebuke" but admittedly, both ends feel horrible, if done with the wrong intent. If done correctly, and God is in the middle of it..... there is love and correction and although our initial reaction is bow up, when called out..... God will work through it.

So, I guess if there is one theme today..... is for us to rely on God. To not get in front of him, in ANC, with family matters, relationally with others. God, we are totally dependent on your for salvation, even for the lives we lead and the air we breathe. God give us insight..... to see that the ends..... dont always justify the means.... let us just rest in you and your providence..... and realize, like Rebekah, we could screw this up royally in our own power. I have prayed for years to be a part of something bigger than myself, and i'll admit..... you have me there now. Allow us all to be instruments of your works in Austin and let us give you glory in all that we do.

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