Thursday, January 21, 2010

Well.....I did what I said I would NEVER do

This past Sunday I was given the opportunity to teach at ANC...and after only 2 years, I did it.
I was asked yesterday if there was anything different about studying God's word to preach vs. studying God's word for just me. I really think there is...
Obviously, when studying God's word for personal intake, you want God to speak to you through His word, but if He doesn't, or you are distracted, there is always tomorrow. No immediacy.
When I studied God's word in order to teach it, there was a weight to it that I had NEVER experienced before. There was a sense of expectancy that I had...for God to show me something, then allow me to directly relate it to my life so that I could communicate me.
This is another thing, when listening to guys sermons online....I have always thought...if I preach, I hope I sound like or can communicate with this guys passion. Well...I don't think I taught like anyone....I think it sounded a lot like me.
All that to say, I have a newfound respect for those that "Handle the Word" weekly, in order to teach. I enjoyed it, but my schedule doesn't have that much time to pull it together.

Click Here to Listen

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