Thursday, May 08, 2008

Led by the Spirit

Acts 20:22"And now, compelled by the Spirit…..

whatever Paul would have said…whatever Paul would have done, would be good.

Lots of things compel us men…, fame, our wives, our kids, status, desires….not all bad things either. But where I want to be found, what I desire to be, is constantly compelled by the Spirit.
How do we get to that point? How can we not get overrun by our own agendas? How can pride not rear its ugly head and make us do and say things that are contrary to the Spirit and divisive to God’s church.
I think Paul, more than I, realized his dependence on God for everything. He called himself chief of sinners, recognizing his dependence on God’s grace to save him. He traveled, compelled by the Spirit….sensitive to what HE (the Spirit) was saying. Recognizing that prison was in his future, but not shrinking back from what he was CALLED by God (HIS REVELATION) to do, which is the same thing we are all called to do.
Spread the Gospel.

Think about that, a lot of us shrink back from sharing our faith, because it is uncomfortable, people may look at us weird, people will label us, our pride. Paul was led by God….but also informed by God that prison was in his future….but he never waivered…because he was led by the Spirit.

God's revelation is not only his message, but His method. AND... not only his method once and for all....otherwise Paul would not have to be constantly compelled by the Spirit. He would have gotten one word....and lived the rest of his life. Constantly being compelled by God's Holy Spirit, allows us to adapt our methods as things change. What worked as our method 10 years ago is way different than what works today. The Message remains the same....and it has an will though history....but we change, Paul changed his method, depending on who he was talking to, and the circumstances he found himself in.

I wonder if sometimes...if the course I take, if its of me or of God. Is there a way to gauge the bi-products (fruits) around me to tell? I wonder if i would be bold enough to change course, compelled by the Spirit, even it meant admitting I was wrong. As sinful, fallen, prideful men....sometimes its way easier to stay the course knowing we are wrong, suffer the consequences than it is to just admit, we are wrong. Why is that?
God, allow your Spirit to lead me, compel me, go before me. I want to be found faithful of the task you have given every believer. God, give us at ANC clear vision, clear purpose and guide us in what we do and how we do it. God be with my friends at Yorktown….as they are in a transitionary time. Give them your revelation (for now), your vision (for now) , your purpose (for now) and allow them to be unified as ONE. Give us all boldness and wisdom.

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