Thursday, November 01, 2007

Now that was rich!

We had 6-8 couples over last night and went Trick or Treating in our neighborhood.....and as we all walked along, the kids dashing to the door, loading up their bags or plastic Jack-O-Lanterns with sugary goodness....out at the sidewalk this family walked by with a lot of kids....and I overheard the kids all excited saying to each other..."now thats what I call rich!"
We have this practice in Corpus Christi, and it used to drive my mom nuts, of the poorer families coming from the "hood", driving their families to the "rich part of town" and go Trick-or Treating. This is so ingrained in this poor childs mind....that he didn't exclaim, "cool!... a full size Butterfinger!" but thats what i call "rich".
So it hit me this morning....we are all poor in spirit....and we drive to church Sunday morning...and stupid us....can leave there saying...."That was so rich...or wasnt worship awesome".....but we have access to that richness all the time. Much like the kid....who could probably rustle up enough money to buy Butterfingers all month long...we leave God's presence instead of trying to remain in it. We just say....that was rich....and move on to the next phase of existence.
I think, if given the opportunity.....everyone who came over to go Trick-or-Treating would move to our neighborhood, if money was no object. So I'm just saying...I need to live in the Spirit AND make sure that people know that it is available to them as well!


Shane said...

could he have menat that the chocolate itself was too rich (as in sweet)?

I'm just sayin

no, good point,t ray - keep em coming

Anonymous said...

In Hebrews 4 the author speaks of the promise of entering God's rest, but then warns us, the believers,to be careful that none of us be found to have fallen short of it. This is profound to those of us who have heard and have chosen to believe. This little boy you speak of, I'm guessing, hasn't heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and therefore was trick or treating in the "dark." Your sharing that story just instills in me a greater desire to share the Word, and I know that what you're doing in CC and Austin will bring tons of people to a saving relationship in Christ Jesus. Love your blogs and will continue to pray for you guys.