Friday, October 19, 2007

Journaling is for goobers.....blogging however......

I've never really thought that I should, could or would journal...maybe it's that I never thought anything I thought about or wanted to write down....was worthy of space. I have over the better part of a month been part of an e-ccountabilty scripture reading foursome...and we jot down whatever we think that passage has for us for the day (nuggets).

Habakuk, like most of us, feels like God is doing nothing to the wicked. I hear believers wonder aloud, like Habakuk, "how come they are so bad....dont even believe in God, and they seemingly are being blessed beyond measure. Good jobs, good family, tons of money, house in the best neighborhood, second house at the lake. There is NO justice!"

God says, in Habakuk 1:11 Then they (the Babylonians will) sweep past like the wind and go on- guilty men, whose own strength is their god.

I hadnt thought about stregnth being a god. Money, yes...Fame, yes...Job, yes....well it all makes sense. Those things are the strength of many. Anyway....we just need to be careful that we allow God room to do what he is going to do.

Philemon.....I love the "so thats" in the Bible. When i read them, they jump off the page....because I know....if i do X "so that" happens.

Therefore I need to be active in sharing my faith....SO THAT....I can have a full understanding of every good thing (Paul and Timothy) had in Christ. ( I am assuming that Paul and Timothy are prisoners together)

1 comment:

Shane said...

what you have to say DOES matter - keep it up - certainly worthy of space